Combine the leasing payment with the insurance premium 

Combine the leasing payment with the insurance premium 

  • MTPL Insurance
  • CASCO Insurance
  • Specialized Machinery Insurance

Leasing is the most suitable solution if you want to get a vehicle or a work machinery quickly, while insurance is the best way to reduce potential risks in the future.

Luminor Līzings SIA can find the most relevant financial solution for your situation, so that your dream will come true very soon. No matter if your selected leasing object is a passenger car, a working machinery and equipment, a truck or another type of vehicle, our cooperation partner BTA Baltic Insurance Company AAS will take care of your peace of mind and will provide all types of leasing insurance options, including MTPL, CASCO and Specialized Machinery Insurance.

Assess the benefits of insurance:

MTPL Insurance

The MTPL policy is a guarantee of safety for all road traffic participants. In the event of a road accident, the impaired party is entitled to a compensation for damage to the vehicle, health or property.

In order to receive compensation, the impaired party must contact the insurance company that issued the MTPL policy to the owner of the guilty vehicle. 
The MTPL policy from BTA has several benefits:  

  • Convenient payment. The premium for the MTPL policy is combined with the leasing payment. 
  • Easy prolongation. Before ending the MTPL policy, you will receive an email with new insurance offer. 
  • Best value for money. By insuring the leasing object, special discount applies on the MTPL premium. 

CASCO Insurance

CASCO policy provides financial support in case of damage, vandalism, theft or total destruction of the vehicle. 

When you lease a vehicle, it is important that the CASCO policy complies with the leasing insurance requirements. If an insurance event occurs, the insurance company will help to fulfill the necessary formalities and will provide free-of-charge consultation. 

The CASCO policy from BTA has several benefits:  

  • Insurance for the entire leasing term. Apply for CASCO insurance once and stop worrying about the safety of your vehicle in European countries - before ending the CASCO policy, you will receive an email with new insurance offer.
  • Monthly payments at no extra expense. CASCO insurance premium is combined with leasing payments and can be divided into 12 payments without any additional costs.
  • Best value for money. By insuring the leasing object, special discount applies on the CASCO premium, as well as Roadside Assistance cover can be used free of charge.
Emergency services like fuel delivery, engine start-up or vehicle evacuation to the repair shops are available in 24/7 regime with no limits of amount and frequency. 

If instead of Standard Package you select Premium package, then you will get several additional covers in your CASCO policy, for example, luggage insurance, option to use a replacement car, personal accident insurance for the driver and all passengers, as well as leasing value insurance for new vehicles. 

Specialized Machinery Insurance

Specialized Machinery Insurance (sometimes called CPM or Contractor's Plant & Machinery Insurance) allows you to protect agricultural, construction, forestry and other special work vehicle together with equipment against various risks, so that you can successfully continue your economic activity. 

The Specialized Machinery Insurance policy from BTA has several benefits: 

  • Regional territorial coverage.* Insurance protection for the entire leasing term works not only in Latvia, but also in Estonia and Lithuania.
  • Monthly payments at no extra expense. The Specialized Machinery Insurance premium can be divided into 12 payments without any additional costs, moreover, it is combined with leasing payments.
  • Best value for money. By insuring the leasing object, special 20% discount applies on the Specialized Machinery Insurance premium, moreover, the insurance does not contain any increased deductible for any machinery units for collection and/or supply of special substances and materials to be processed.

If instead of Standard Package you select Premium package, the Specialized Machinery Insurance policy additionally includes the coverage during the rental period, the coverage during underground work, the coverage for works on the water, as well as the zero deductible in case of total destruction and theft. 

* To use specialized machinery outside the territory of Latvia, it is necessary to obtain written consent from Luminor Līzings SIA. 

How to apply?

Leasing request. Choose a suitable vehicle, submit the leasing application and attach the required documents. You can apply for a leasing regardless of whether you are our client or not.

Deal consultation. The representative of Luminor Līzings SIA will review the application and consult you using phone, email or meeting. During the consultation you will get an information about the available financing and insurance offer, as well as you will be instructed on future steps.

Payment of the policy. To insurance protection be valid, it is necessary to confirm the insurance proposal and pay the insurance premiums in accordance with the agreement with Luminor Līzings SIA.

Use of insurance. In case of an insured event, online claim notification form should be filled in or insurance company should be contacted via phone +371 261 21212.

Requirements for the execution of the deal

  • Submitted Leasing application
  • Personal identification document
  • Assessment of the leasing object (for used vehicle) or price offer from the seller (for new vehicle)
  • Additional documents, if requested 

Feel secure with leasing insurance

See also: Leasing, Become a customer

When offering the leasing solutions to households and legal entities, Luminor Līzings SIA, reg. No 40003348054, address: Skanstes 12, Riga, LV-1013 (hereinafter – Luminor Līzings SIA) distributes non-life insurance services related to vehicles and prepares insurance offers for the selected leasing objects. Luminor Līzings SIA acts as an insurance agent, representing BTA Baltic Insurance Company AAS, reg. No 40103840140, address: Sporta 11, Riga, LV-1013 (hereinafter – BTA).
Luminor Līzings SIA processes personal data specified in the leasing application in order to transfer them to the insurer and to prepare the insurance offer. Luminor Līzings SIA is registered in the BTA Register of Insurance Agents and has the right to provide insurance intermediary services in Latvia.
Before insuring the leasing subject, please read the terms and conditions of relevant insurance product and consult with representative of SIA Luminor Līzings SIA, if needed. There may be limitations to certain risk coverage and indemnifiable losses. A complete information on exceptions and coverage restrictions is included in the insurance policy and insurance terms and conditions.