Join Luminor in March 2025 and get back 10%
(up to €20 per month) from card spendings

10% cashback for purchases with card

  • Total cashback per customer up to EUR 120!
  • Become Luminor customer during March 2025 and get back 10% cashback for purchases made with Luminor Debit or Luminor Black card. The total cashback per customer is EUR 20 per month and EUR 120 over 6 months.

Learn more

Discover our cards

Apply in person
If don’t have a passport or ID issued in Latvia, don’t have an electronic signature, or would prefer to apply in person, please reach out to us by phone +371 67 17 1880 to book an appointment at one of our Customer Service Centres.
Luminor offers daily banking services to citizens or residents of Latvia, Lithuania, and/or Estonia, and would like to establish a business relationship with all potential customers who see Luminor bank as a partner for everyday services, as well as lending, investments, or deposits. Detailed information on Luminor’s target customer and required documents list can be found here.

Earn 10% on card purchases

Become Luminor customer in March 2025 and get back 10% from card spendings (up to 20 EUR per each month) till August!

Offer is valid for at least 18 year old private persons, if card account monthly inflow reaches 700 EUR and customer has made at least 10 card purchases. Total amount of cashback per customer is up to 120 EUR (not including tax) per 6 months.

Terms and conditions of the campaign

How to become Luminor customer?

There is option to become Luminor customer remotely by choosing Photo or Video onboarding – follow the steps described above and become Luminor customer from home! If meeting in presents suits you better, you can visit any Luminor branch and become a customer.

Will every new customer qualify for the campaign?

If you will close your Luminor account and re-open during March 2025, you will be excluded from the campaign.

If you have closed all your accounts with Luminor before March 1st 2025, you can participate in the campaign.

Also you can join the campaign, if you use Luminor other services like leasing, pension or you are a co-borrower for a loan, but you have not opened an account with Luminor yet.

What I have to do to take part in the cashback campaign?

You have to be at least 18 years old private person and have to become Luminor customer from 1st March till 31st March, 2025 and choose a daily banking package where Luminor payment card is included. Make sure during onboarding process you agree to participate in this campaign.

How to guarantee cashback to be received each month?

Follow few simple steps each month and get back 10% cashback from purchases with the Luminor Debit or Luminor Black card (max 20 EUR/month from March till August 2025):

Step 1: Once you have become Luminor customer, by marking that you agree to participate in this campaign, transfer to your Luminor card account at least 700 EUR/month from another bank, or if the transfer is from Luminor bank, it has to be transferred from the account whose owner is not also you. Make sure inflow is transferred each month.

Step 2: Make at least 10 purchases per month with your Luminor payment card. Purchase to be counted in respective month has to appear on the bank settlement (sums reserved are not eligible). Under this campaign cash-out at ATM and money transfer services (e.g. topping up money to another account) does not count as purchases with the card and Luminor keeps rights to exclude such transactions from the count.

That’s it! Luminor will count monthly income and purchases you have made with Luminor card and calculate the amount of cashback for you and reimburse the cashback to your account till the 10th date of the next calendar month.

Will Luminor pay tax for the paid out cashback?

Yes, Luminor will pay income tax applicable to you for each paid out cashback and will inform and make respective tax payment to the state tax authority accordingly.

How to stop participation in the cashback campaign?

You can remain being Luminor customer, but refuse from participation in this campaign informing us by free form message in Luminor internet bank. We will withdraw you from participation in the cashback campaign and inform accordingly.

Give us the consent to stay updated about the best Luminor offers

Check in your internet bank if you have agreed to receive offers and news: open internet bank / click on your Name/Surname / Accounts and client settings / My consents à Mark “yes” to respective forms how you prefer to be contacted and what you would like to receive.

"Everything could be arranged quickly. Being able to open an account remotely is a big bonus."

Everything happened in a very positive atmosphere, creating a sense of security. The employee tried to explain everything in understandable language to a person to whom financial questions are not so clear! Everything could be arranged quickly. Being able to open an account remotely is a big bonus.
Customer, 36 years old

Read more customer feedback

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