Pension plans

2nd Pillar Pensions


While making savings for retirement, choose your pension manager carefully. With Luminor 2nd Pillar Pension savings will be formed from your social contributions.

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3rd Pillar Pensions


After retirement the guaranteed support will compensate your usual income only partly. Luminor 3rd Pillar Pensions provide the possibility to ensure that your income after retirement does not decrease significantly.

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Luminor index pension plans for a better future


Index pension plan invests only indexes that invest in companies that have taken responsibility for implementing the environmental, social and governance related requirements. So that in 10, 20 and 30 years you and the world would live a little better. The future is yours to take care. Make the change by choosing Luminor index pension plan Sustainable Future.

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Supplementary pension schemes to employee


Full support of implementing and assisting employees' with 3PP product in your company.

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Pension plans` performance