29 or less

You are still a long way from pension – and that’s good. Start preparing for it now!

29 or less

  • By making monthly contributions to both 2nd and 3rd pension pillar, you have the opportunity to increase your income in old age.


Your future depends on your actions now. Put your retirement savings at the top of your priority list. 


  • Make sure that the pension investment strategies you have chosen are right for you.

45 and more

You have acquired several important skills in life. We think that one of them is to take care of your future.

45 and more

  • Are you not saving up yet? Start now and take the opportunity to improve your financial situation at old age.
Investing in pension funds involves risk and can generate both profits and losses. Investors should carefully assess their financial situation in order to understand the risks involved and ensure that one’s situation is suitable before making any investment, ceasing to invest or entering into any transaction. The investor is responsible for the investment decisions made, so before making a decision, you should read the documents related to the pension fund, which are available on luminor.lv/en/3rd-pillar-pensions and luminor.lv/en/information-participants#information-for-participants. Historical results do not guarantee equivalent results in the future and cannot be considered as the only factor to consider when choosing a particular investment. Past amount of earnings does not guarantee the same amount of future earnings. The value of an investment may decrease or increase and in some cases the investor may lose all the funds invested. Return on investment is not fixed and may fluctuate over time. The value of investments that involve foreign exchange risk may be affected by exchange rate fluctuations. Tax rates and tax base, as well as allowances, can change and become disadvantageous for you. The information provided here does not constitute an offer (or a potential offer) with regard to selection of any pension plan, investment or participation in a particular investment strategy. Luminor shall not be liable for any losses incurred as a result of the placement of the investment and / or the use or interpretation of the information provided herein.
Pension plan prospectuses, as well as other information about pension plans and the fund manager can be obtained on the Luminor website luminor.lv/en/pensions, as well as:
- in the branches of the State Social Insurance Agency
- at the fund manager Luminor Asset Management IPAS, Skanstes Street 12, Riga
- at the fund holder Luminor Bank AS Latvian branch and its Customer Service Centres (phone: +371 67 17 1880)