Achieve your financial goals

Achieve your financial goals

Achieve your financial goals

Take your finances to the next level. Learn to plan your budget to cover your needs, build savings for what matters the most, and invest with confidence.

What’s your financial goal?

The right financial plan will depend on the goals you have. Your goals will depend on the stage of life you’re at.
Create an emergency fund
If you have 3-6 months’ worth of living expenses saved up, unexpected financial challenges will be much easier to deal with. Open a savings account to start your emergency fund.
Save up for a bigger purchase
Save money for bigger expenses, such as a mortgage loan down payment or a new car, using term deposit. Deposit money into a separate account for a fixed term and a fixed guaranteed interest rate.
Secure your retirement
Investing in II and III pillar pension funds will help you provide additional income for your golden years – save up with Luminor pension funds for a wealthier retirement! Read more about the pension investment benefits and risks here.
Grow your wealth
Invest in stocks, bonds, exchange traded funds (ETFs), or mutual funds to grow your wealth and boost your financial independence. Learn more about asset classes in Investment ABC. Start your investment journey with Luminor Investor platform!

Portfolio diversification - 80/20 principle

Dividing your portfolio between 20% short-term and 80% long-term assets helps manage the risk. Short-term assets provide flexibility and lower risk, while long-term assets aim for more significant growth accepting higher risk over time. It’s a balanced approach for your long-term financial planning.

20% for your short-term savings

This part of your portfolio ensures that you have funds available for unexpected expenses or upcoming purchases without dipping into long-term savings.
  • Emergency fund: Save 3-6 months of living expenses in a savings account for unexpected events such as job loss, medical emergencies, or home repairs.
  • Short-term goals: Save for goals like a new gadget, a car, a vacation, or a down payment on a home with a savings account or term deposit.

80% for your long-term savings

This part of your portfolio helps to build a better financial future. Such allocation of your assets encourages financial discipline and prioritizes building long-term wealth over immediate spending.
  • Retirement savings: Invest in pension funds for added financial security in your retirement age and use the available tax benefits.* Read more about the investment benefits and risks here.
  • Investment portfolio: Turn your savings into long-term investments to meet your personal financial goals with the variety of choices available on the Luminor Investor platform.
  • Wealth accumulation goals: Save for goals like having your own home, establishing a business, or enjoying financial independence, considering the time horizon and your risk tolerance.

Short-term savings solutions

Savings account
Establish an emergency fund or save for your children’s future.

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Term deposit
Grow your money safely with a fixed interest rate.

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Long-term savings solutions

Accumulate for your golden years in Luminor pension funds. Be aware of the investment benefits and risks.

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ETF portfolios
Convert your savings into investments with ETF portfolios, managed by BlackRock**.

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Luminor Investor
An investment platform with more than 15,000 financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, ETFs and mutual funds.

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Learn more about asset classes


Not sure how to get started?

Our experts are ready to provide you with information and solutions to help you achieve your savings and investment goals.

*The legislation governing the tax system may change in the future. Taxation depends on individual circumstances, including your tax residence, etc.
**Funds are managed by BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Limited.
Before you make your investment decision, please examine carefully the product terms and conditions and other relevant information, as well as any risks related to investments here.
You are on the webpage of financial services' providers Luminor Bank AS, Luminor Liising AS and Luminor Pensions Estonia AS. Before concluding any agreements, please read the terms and conditions and if necessary, consult an expert.