Local and SEPA payments

Fast, easy and good for your business – domestic and SEPA payments in EUR in Latvia and other EU member countries, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, and Monaco.

Assess the benefits

  • Payments can be made through the Internet-bank or Mobile Bank at any time and place
  • Payments made through us will be good for your business
  • Payments are executed on the same date pursuant to execution periods

SEPA payment must meet the following requirements

  • SEPA payments are payments in Europe and in the European Economic Zone in euro currency​
  • The payee’s account in the payment order must be indicated in IBAN format
  • Payment priority – standard
  • The remitter pays only the charge imposed by his/her financial service provider (the fees are shared)
  • The remitter can provide specific SEPA payment details (e.g. structured remittance information)

Payments are quick, easy and safe!