Expand horizons

Kristina Kikuste
Private Banker

Working successfully in a completely different industry and knowing that a certain level of career growth has been achieved, I realized that I want to learn something new. I wanted to step up and expand my horizons. Career with a bank has always seemed impressive to me, and such a job should probably be available only to a select group of people. I applied for the lowest position in Hansabanka, because I was quite sure that I would have the opportunity to grow within the bank. And soon I started working as a customer service specialist. Aggressive sales were relevant at the time, however it seemed more important for me to talk to customers, build partnerships and sell what the customer needed. It was because of these qualities that the manager advanced me to the private banking. A year after I started working at the bank, I became the private banking manager for customer service and later the private banker. 

Push myself out of the comfort zone

Job advertisements often appreciate the ability to adapt quickly to new conditions. That's about me! I always remember my manager saying: if you stand still and feel comfortable, you are already taking a step back. That is why it is very important to me pushing myself out of my comfort zone from time to time, to shake myself internally, thus freeing a room for growth. In a way, that is about taking a risk, because you never know if you going to succeed or fail. Though, I still believe - if you try, everything will work out!

After ten years working at Hansabanka, later at Swedbank, I realized that everything seems familiar and pretty understandable. At the same time, I clearly knew that the private banking is a business right for me, and I wanted to apply my knowledge I had gained over the years. So I looked at other options in the banking sector and got interested in DnB Nord Bank, where the private banking was a small team at that time with huge development opportunities. At the same time, Luminor announced the bank merger, which seemed completely new and unknown in the banking industry. That was interesting! I had to go to job interviews again, prove myself. Small wins, professional adrenaline motivate you moving forward! 

To be a compass in the bank

From an early age, I have come to understand that finances need to be planned, structured, analysed and rethought. But this, in turn, means that I treat my clients more personally and empathetically as our role is not only to tell about services, but also to some extent to play a social role - to educate, to support, to be a compass in the bank, indicating the right direction. At the moment, I enjoy my job - I do it from the heart and I am well aware that there are unlimited opportunities to improve myself, and there will always be something to build and change in the banking system.

I obtain the energy and power needed for the work in the time I devote to myself - traveling and spending time with my family. I especially enjoy the quiet time with myself reading some inspiring literature.

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