
It is a convenient and fast way to connect and confirm payments in internet bank, access e-services and sign documentation with e-signature.

Download and use free of charge. Only a smartphone and internet connection needed.

Types of Smart-ID

  • Smart-ID Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) intended not only to make using of the internet bank more convenient, but also can be used as your electronic signature, when you sign agreements and confirm requests with other enterprises too.
  • Smart-ID Basic you can use to perform operations in Luminor's and other banks' internet banks.

How to set up Smart-ID within a couple of minutes?

Are you already using Smart-ID Basic?

Watch the video on how to transform Smart-ID Basic into Smart-ID Qualified Electronic Signature account within a couple of minutes. 

How to restore Smart-ID?

Has your Smart ID account expired, or do you need to change your phone and install a Smart ID onto another phone?

Watch the video, how to restore your Smart-ID account.

Security comes first

  • We may ask to enter your personal identity number when you access the internet bank with Smart-ID. Please use following format xxxxxx-xxxxx.
  • Confirm login in Internet bank and payment only if you have initiated this action yourself in the internet bank or mobile bank.
  • Always check if the safety code that appears in your internet bank or mobile bank matches the code you see in your Smart-ID App.
  • Be careful and pay attention to every safety code you confirm!
  • Do not disclose them to anyone! The bank will never ask you to disclose them.

Become a customer remotely


  • Preserve your present authentication methods.
  • If you have lost your phone or deleted your existing Smart-ID account, you can restore your Smart-ID account easily using biometric identification or you can do it in person at Customer Service Center.

Useful links

Smart-ID FAQ
What to do when Smart-ID account is about to expire?