To simplify the customers’ daily banking at DNB and to adapt the Pricelist to the current market situation we have introduced some amendments to the existing Pricelist of DNB services.

Principal amendments to the Pricelist that enter into effect as of 01.05.2017 and apply to both private individuals and legal entities:

  • Further on, mailing of an account statement or information on the account transactions per registered mail (per account) will be subject to a fee of EUR 5.00 for the period of up to 3 months per account;
  • The fee for acceptance and execution of the official receiver’s order or SRS collection order has been increased (further on EUR 11.00);
  • The fee for withdrawal, amending and tracing of payment order has been increased (further on, the fee will amount to EUR 20.00);
  • Production and replacement of Visa Debit, Galactico Visa Debit and Visa Classic cards in case of loss, theft, wear, damages or other faults further on will cost EUR 4.00;
  • Due to the VAT application the fee for a VIP lounge visit at the airport was modified (Priority Pass program) and further on will amount to EUR 29.00 including VAT.
  • To simplify the Pricelist of DNB Līzings several Pricelist positions were combined and two fees have been introduced: fee for lease execution including amendments to the agreement or schedule - 0.7% of the outstanding loan (min EUR 90.00, max EUR 300.00) and the fee for preparation of references and authorisations - EUR 25.00

Principal amendments to the Pricelist that enter into effect as of 01.05.2017 (apply to private individuals only):
DNB daily services packages - Mini package, Basic package, Comfort package and Gold package - are being introduced. Services included in the packages will be offered without separate fees, paying a fixed monthly price instead. 

  • Due to daily packages introduction, fees for EUR payments within DNB Group, for standard SEPA payments and regular payments in EUR to another bank have been cancelled. Further on, the above payments will be included in all packages;
  • The fee for execution of Regular invoice payment (direct debit) has being increased. Further on, the fee will amount to EUR 0.36 per payment.
  • Visa Debit monthly card maintenance fee will further on amount to EUR 1.00 per month;
  • Galactico Visa Debit monthly card maintenance fee will further on amount to EUR 1.30 per month;
  • A new fee of EUR 2.00 for manufacturing/replacement of DNB Internet-bank Code card in case of loss, theft, wear, damage or other faults has been introduced;
  • Fee for unblocking of DNB Internet-bank means of identification – Code calculator Digipass 270 - in case of a blocked PIN code is increased up to EUR 4.00.
  • The fees for early termination of term deposits have been introduced. If termination of the Term deposit is applied for upon at least 7 calendar days prior notice, the fee amounts to 1% of the payable Deposit amount; if the notice period is less than 7 calendar days, the fee amounts to 3% of the payable Deposit amount. Minimum fee on both Pricelist positions amounts to EUR 5.00.
  • To simplify the Pricelist of Mortgage loan and Private loan several Pricelist positions were combined to introduce the fees as follows:   
  • Amendments to the contractual provisions (e.g. changes in the composition of the collateral; currency exchange; update of obligations, etc.) - 0.7% of the outstanding loan (min EUR 90.00, max EUR 300.00);
  • Amendments to the loan repayment schedule without amendments to the agreement (e.g. changes in the repayment due date, curtailing of the loan repayment period, extension of the disbursement period, etc.) - EUR 90.00;
  • The fee for execution of amendments to the Consumer loan (previously - Express loan) and Car loan repayment schedule has been changed (further on - EUR 25.00).

Please be advised that in order to mitigate the risk of fraud transactions, daily card purchase limit of EUR 5,000 is imposed as of 01.03.2017 on all issued cards (applicable to both private individuals and legal entities).

Furthermore, please be advised that the card maintenance fee will be charged on 02.05.2017 pro rata to the number of days from the last monthly fee payment due date through 30.04.2017. Such Monthly fee will be charged on cards further on included in the daily packages and amendments are applicable to private individuals only.

Please remember, if you disagree with the above amendments to the Pricelist, under the Bank’s General Business Terms and Conditions you are entitled prior to their entering into effect to unilaterally, without any penalties recede from the service agreements affected by the above amendments by informing the Bank in writing or through the Internet-bank and subject to performance of all obligations deriving from the respective service agreement as specified therein.