We have improved our Order Execution Policy (for Transactions in Financial Instruments), and the following changes came into force on August 3, 2016:

  • we updated the Clause 1.1 of the Policy that describes the policy development purposes;
  • we supplemented Clause 3.2.1 with the reference to the Policy clause describing time priority principle;
  • we supplemented the name of Chapters 4 and 5 of the Policy;
  • we amended Clause 5.1 to define the time priority principle in execution of the orders (previously this information was under Clause 5.2);
  • we specified allocation of funds in case of fully executed aggregated order in Clause 6.4;
  • we supplemented Clause 6.5 with information that we may split client orders and explained potential consequences of such situation;
  • we amended the order execution venues.     

Additional information can be obtained in any AS DNB banka branch of by calling +371 67 17 1880.