We would like to inform you that changes have been made to the Nordea Price List in order to adjust it to the current situation on the financial market; these changes will enter into force on 1 September 2017.

Changes to the Price List for Private Customers:

  • fees for arranging a mortgage loan and for amendments to the loan agreement have been reduced;
  • the fund purchase fee for balanced funds and the fee for the transfer of funds to another customer have increased, and the fee for transactions with fixed-income securities has changed;
  • the prices of Nordea līzings’ products has changed.

Changes to the Price List for Corporate Customers:

  • the Overdraft fee and principles for its application have been changed, inter alia, the minimum Use Fee for Overdraft without Collateral has been reduced (the changes do not apply to existing Overdraft agreements);
  • the prices of several trade finance products have changed;
  • the fund purchase fee for balanced funds and the fee for a fund transfer to another customer have increased;
  • the prices of Nordea līzings’ products has changed.

We are increasingly encouraging our customers to use remote payment channels, which are, at the moment, the most financially advantageous type of service.

The new changes to the Bank`s Price List enter into effect on 1 September 2017.

If you have any questions or concerns, please visit the Nordea Customer Service Center closest to you, call the Bank`s Contact Center at (+371) 67096 096, or send a message in the Mail section on the Netbank.

For additional information, contact:
Edgars Žilde, Communications Project Manager at Nordea Bank; phone: 6 700 5434, mobile: 28 452 975, e-mail:edgars.zilde@nordea.com