With the accession to the euro zone, Nordea bank has extended the time period for acceptance of EUR payments. From now on, it will be possible to submit payments via E-channels for their execution on the same day until 3.30 p.m. These changes apply to inter-bank EUR payments both within Latvia and to other banks in Europe.


With the accession to the euro zone, European EUR payments will, in the future, be executed five times per day. The latest time for submission of standard EUR payment for their execution on the same day is at 3.30 p.m. Previously, LVL payments had to be submitted until 1 p.m., while EUR payments - until 12.00 p.m.

The time period for submission of urgent European EUR payments has been extended until 5 p.m. Payments will be delivered to the beneficiary within two hours.

In the future, the speed of execution payments and the commission on payments will be the same for payments to beneficiaries both in Latvia and any other European country.

For intra-bank payments between accounts with Nordea Latvija, the time periods have not been changed - these will be processed as previously within the execution periods specified in the Bank's price list.

Before the introduction of EUR

After the introduction of EUR as of 01/01/2014


Domestic payment(LVL)

European EUR payment

Transfer of payments to the beneficiary’s bank Twice per day Five times per day
Time of submission of a payment to be executed on the same day Until 1 p.m. with standard urgency

Until 3.30 p.m. for urgent payments
Standard payments until 3.30 p.m.

Urgent payments until 5 p.m.
Beneficiary’s bank Only banks in Latvia Banks in Latvia, as well as banks in the European Union, Norway, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Monaco.
Commission EUR 0.28 (LVL 0.20) EUR 0.28 (LVL 0.20)


At present, Nordea customers most often use remote payment channels; which represent 97% of the total payments.

The Bank now offers different remote service options – the Netbank, Mobile Netbank, Light Login, etc.

For enquiries, please call Nordea Contact Centre 24/7 by phone 67 096 096.