The prestigious international financial magazine Euromoney has named Nordea bank the best provider of private banking services in the Nordic & Baltic region. This is the sixth year in a row that Nordea has received this award. Euromoney annually grants these awards to the best private banking service providers worldwide.

Gunn Wærsted, Head of Nordea Wealth Management: “We are pleased with this success, which is proof of both the professionalism of Private Banking employees and managers and customer satisfaction with the quality of the services provided. According to the latest Customer Satisfaction Index data, customer evaluation of the Private Banking service has also improved. We are also proud of having acquired 10,000 new Private Banking customers in 2013.”

Māris Paeglis, Head of Nordea Private Banking in the Baltics: “I am satisfied with the development and success of Private Banking in the Baltic region and Latvia. Last year, the number of Private Banking customers in the Baltics increased by almost 13%, while the total revenue increased by 19% during the year. The year 2013 also brought success for Private Banking in Latvia, which managed to exceed an increase of customers and to achieve the highest customer satisfaction ever  95%. Kind customer service, a welcoming attitude and professionalism in everyday work is what customers value most, which provides a great stimulus and inspiration for future work.”

Nordea is the largest bank in the Nordic Region offering Private Banking services for very wealthy customers. Nordea Private Banking has representative offices in 12 countries, and serves more than 100,000 clients in the Nordic region, the Baltic states and across Europe, managing assets worth some EUR 191 billion. Since 2008, Nordea Private Banking services have also been available in Latvia. Nordea has been named the best Private Banking service provider in the Nordic & Baltic region for the sixth year in a row.

Euromoney is the world’s leading financial service magazine, which annually grants these awards to the best private banking service providers worldwide. In its judgment, the Euromoney jury takes into consideration various qualitative and quantitative indicators. These include, among others, analyses of business transaction volumes, profit indicators and customer relations and service.