Next Wednesday, 6th of September, at 10:00 o’clock, in the online seminar Nordea leading economists in the Baltics will present the latest economic trends and forecasts in the Baltics and globally. 

During Nordea Baltic Economic Outlook, our chief economist in the Baltic countries Zygimantas Mauricas and economists from Estonia – Tonu Palm – and Latvia – Gints Belevics – will introduce participants with latest economic forecasts and analyses of the Baltic and global economies highlighting the most important challenges and opportunities.

The seminar presentations and discussion will cover the following topics:

  • In Estonia: Spinnaker up. Consumers to loosen purse strings;
  • In Latvia: Even turkeys fly in a strong wind: growth supported by strong tailwinds;
  • In Lithuania: Less spending and more exports: faster and more balanced growth ahead.

“All three Baltic economies are undergoing a strong growth supported by strong internal and external tailwinds. Externally, the robust economic growth of the Western economies and the post-crisis recovery of Russia pushed overall export growth into double-digit territory. Internally, robust wage growth and strong consumer confidence continued to support domestic consumption despite rising inflationary pressures, while a fresh inflow of EU funds boosted public investment,” says Zygimantas Mauricas, Nordea chief economist in the Baltic countries.

“Despite the internal and external tailwinds, Baltics should not become complacent, since labour shortage and weak productivity growth may hamper economic growth going forward, unless a boost to productivity-enhancing investments and needed structural reforms are carried out,” continues Gints Belevics, Nordea economist in Latvia.

The Nordea Baltic Economic Outlook will take place on 6th of September at 10.00 AM.