Nordea invites Latvian university students and high school graduates to meet with various experts of the bank for “Speed Dating”, a tradition now in its ninth year. The “Speed Dating” event will be held in “Nordea māja” at 62 K. Valdemāra Street on 16 October 2014 from 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. Apply online

“Speed Dating” provides students with a possibility to meet the bank’s experts in an informal atmosphere, to have their questions answered and promote their understanding of the bank’s daily operations. After the “Speed Dating” event, students are welcome to stay a bit longer to ask the Human Resource Department about open internship vacancies, as well as go on a guided tour of the bank.

On 16 October, the students will have a chance to meet nine of the bank’s specialists during the “Speed Dating” event:

• Liene Meklere—Kutsare, Mārketinga nodaļas vadītāja Latvijā;

• Roberts Laudurgs – Klientu apkalpošanas speciālists;

• Daila Babre – Vecākā kredītu analītiķe;

• Rihards Bergs, Klientu vadītājs Lielo uzņēmumu departamentā;

• Agita Ārmane, Parādu administrēšanas nodaļas vadītāja;

• Laura Muceniece – Personāla atlases speciāliste;

• Signe Lonerte – Sabiedrisko attiecību vadītāja;

• Linda Cupruna - Biroja administrācijas nodaļas vadītāja p.i.


About Nordea’s “Speed Dating”

Nordea Group’s "Speed Dating” ensures a quick and efficient way of introducing students to the bank’s daily operations. For each “Speed Dating” event, up to 40 young people from different Latvian universities are selected to participate. Upon arrival at the bank, the students are divided into smaller groups which then rotate meeting particular banking specialists for 5-7 minutes to ask their questions. Altogether, the students meet 10 bank representatives in each such event.

More information at