Please, be advised that as from October 6, 2013 enter into effect the amendments to the bank DNB List of Conditions in sections “Mortgage loan” and “Private loan”. The amendments refer to private individuals.  
Overview of the principal amendments:
  • Are detailed and improved definitions of services and references in the List of Conditions as well as the information is restructured for readability purposes; 
  • The following fees are withdrawn from the List of Conditions:
- The fee for repeated consideration of credit file in case of other obligations;
- The fee for inspection of registration with the State Unified Land Book database;
- The fee for unscheduled disbursement of loan or its tranche on the current or the following business day;
- The fee for the loan execution if executed as credit line, as the bank DNB no more offers execution of Private loan in the form of credit line;
  • The fee for execution and consideration of documents in case the loan obligations are refunded at another creditor is downsized from LVL 600 to LVL 450;
  • In the List of Conditions is introduced a new fee for extramural assessment of the collateral (security) - apartment in an apartment house.
If you have any questions or queries, please, do not hesitate to call 24/7 support line of the bank DNB +371 67 17 1880.