Andris Ozoliņš is leaving his position as CEO of DNB Banka after 13 years in the bank. Åsmund Skår will be the new CEO from 1 September. He is former head of Retail Banking in DNB and currently the head of Energy in DNB Americas.

Andris Ozoliņš, CEO of DNB, explains: “I have worked in the bank for almost 13 years, and the period has been intense and full of challenges. From being number 14 in the banking sector we have succeeded in becoming one of the leading banks in Latvia.

I intended to implement changes in my professional life in 2008, but when the first signs of economic crisis emerged, I felt a duty not to leave the bank and my colleagues during the tough period.

With the backing of our Norwegian owner DNB and thanks to the highly professional efforts of the staff of DNB in Latvia, the bank managed to survive the crisis. The bank is now stronger and more competitive than ever, and for me this is a good moment to start something new in my life and career”.

Terje Turnes, head of DNB’s Baltic Division, says: “Andris Ozoliņš has done a tremendous job steering the Latvian organisation through some very challenging times. DNB Latvia’s first quarter results reflect that the bank has now entered a new and positive phase. Prudent growth and high customer satisfaction will be the main focus areas of the bank.

After four years with crisis management, I fully understand Andris Ozoliņš’ wish to seek new challenges outside the DNB Group. I can only wish him the best of luck, and I am grateful for all the hard work he has put down for the DNB Group.

At the same time I am grateful that Åsmund Skår has decided to become our new head of DNB in Latvia. Åsmund brings with him both retail banking and international experience. His background as a former member of the DNB Group’s group management team, with responsibility for retail banking, makes him well qualified for the tasks ahead.”

Åsmund Skår will take over as CEO on 1 September 2012:“I am looking forward to taking on this new position. I have a good impression of the bank and am impressed by the way the bank has met the challenges during the crisis. I will focus on continuing the integration with the DNB Group and promote further growth and profitability in the bank.”

Åsmund Skår is 52 years old and is married with two children. He is head of Energy in DNB Americas in Houston and was head of Retail Banking and a member of the DNB group management team until 2009. He was a board member in DnB NORD Latvia and DnB NORD Holding until 2009.