We inform the investors in “DNB Rezerves fonds” investment fund (ISIN LV0000400463) (hereinafter – the Reserve Fund) on the completion of the Reserve Fund liquidation. The liquidation proceeds will be distributed to the investors on 23 November 2015 via the custodian bank AS DNB

banka, by transferring it to the Fund investors’ current accounts. The amount payable per one Reserve Fund investment certificate is EUR 11.0314.

Since launch on 20 December 2007 Reserve Fund has earned for its investors 10.31%, or average 1.25% per annum. In turn, since the beginning of 2015 (also during the liquidation period) Reserve Fund earned for its investors 0.12%.

We remind that the liquidation of Reserve Fund has been commenced on 23 July 2015 due to low euro money market interest rates, which has considerably restricted the ability to ensure the required return for the investors.

Should you have any questions, please call DNB hotline.