In order to let young people to try out suitable services, special conditions and interesting ideas the DNB bank has launched a special youth program „TRY”. In addition to services that cater for young people the DNB bank has also prepared a special book by summarizing tips that may be of use to young adults in various situations, from removal of stains to the purchase of car. Likewise will be opened a new theme café where young people will be welcome to spend some time in creative party atmosphere and enjoy special menus to the accompaniment of music played by popular performers.    

Our free book under the title „TRY” lists various tips from A to Z, which may be fit for young people, about to start independent life. „TRY” is meant to be a guidebook to an independent youth, as it gives tips on variety of situations. The book summarizes realizations on subjects like direct debit payments, dress code, looking for an apartment, types of glasses, taxes, different uses of olive oil, hanging of wallpaper, removal of stains, etc.

The book „TRY” is accessible in any branch of the DNB bank and is free of charge. Every book comes with a bookmark under a unique code: after its registration with the bank’s website anyone may win the mobile party or speakers docking station and „iPad”. Registration of the bookmark code for the drawing is accepted by December 31, 2012, while the results will be announced on January 10, 2013.

„Achievements often require countless attempts, and only those not afraid of trying out something new tend to succeed. This is why we decided to entitle the DNB program for young people aged 20 to 26 „TRY”. The book published by the bank in its essence is an aggregation of good ideas to help young people in dealing with things they probably have never encountered before and ranking from banking services to social and everyday situations at home, at work or at school,” the bank DNB Marketing Project Manager Līva Brakša explains the idea behind the book.

From 1 through 7 October in Riga, 27 Blaumaņa iela will be also opened the bank DNB pop-up cafe for the young generation to master some hands-on knowledge and relax among coevals after stressful day at school or at work. Every evening the floor in the pop-up cafe will be given to some popular DJ. Every afternoon together with some celebrities will be discussed certain topic, which might be useful for young people, e.g. cooking of tomato soup or baking (and enjoying) of pizza, niceties of various dress codes as well as other subjects. The visitors of the pop-up café will be also offered the new „TRY” book and some special menu.

Fore more detailed information on the youth program and the book „TRY”, please, see the website of the bank DNB. Detailed program of the pop-up cafe will follow shortly.