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Anželika Dobrovoļska, Head of Luminor Pension Products
Past few months have brought unexpected changes to all of us – income has decreased for some of us, some have become uncertain about the future, some are worried about the decline in financial markets, and some of us have lost their income completely. Therefore, the question of individual pension savings has become of great topicality today – should I continue making payments, change my pension plan or withdraw my savings? Experts recommend avoiding hurry and acting according to your age, focusing on your individual wealth – where pension savings take up a significant place.
“Recently stock markets have experienced a significant decline, which also affected pension funds. But it is important to note that disruptions in financial markets are short term and more impact investment values today, and less in the more distant future. Financial markets – just like the economy – are able to stabilize, bounce back and reach new heights. Therefore, unless you are planning to collect your pension savings tomorrow, you shouldn`t worry too much,” tells Anželika Dobrovoļska, Head of Luminor Pension Products.
She emphasizes that to take care of your future pension today, just like before, the most important thing is to follow one’s savings and select the most appropriate investment plan – the longer the time until pension age, the safer risk-taking becomes. If you have less than 5 years until retirement, then it is better to choose a more conservative strategy.