Historically, after establishment of Luminor and the merger of banks, Luminor has owned two leasing companies in Latvia – SIA Luminor Līzings and SIA Luminor Līzings Latvija. Continuing to improve operations and efficiency of organization, as of 31 December 2021 Luminor Līzings Latvija SIA (reg. No. 40003659898) will voluntarily renounce the license for provision of consumer crediting services No. NK-2016-030.

In accordance with the Cabinet Regulation No. 245 (in Latvian), closing of license does not affect the existing customers of the company and  the performance of the obligations under agreements concluded during the term of the license. Therefore, all existing SIA Luminor Līzings Latvija customer agreements remain in force without any changes until they are fuly executed.
In turn, Luminor Līzings SIA (reg. No. 40003348054) will continue to provide customers with all types of leasing services as usually under the license for provision of consumer crediting services No. NK-2016-020.
In case of uncertainty, please contact us by writing to: luminorlizings@luminor.lv or calling customer service number +371 67 17 1880.