Luminor Bank AS continues to strengthen its governance with the appointment of Andreas Treichl to Luminor Bank’s Supervisory Council. Mr.Treichl is the third member to join the Council in 2022, following the appointments of Elanor Rose (“Elly”) Hardwick and Ottar Ertzeid earlier this year.

Mr Treichl is a highly experienced leader with four-decades of industry expertise across bank strategy, transformation and branding. Mr Treichl served as Chief Executive of Erste Group Bank AG for over twenty years, until 2019, where he focused on digitisation and financial literacy. Under his leadership, the former savings bank of Vienna transformed itself into one of the leading retail banks in Central and Eastern Europe with more than 17 million clients.
In 2020, Mr Treichl was appointed Chairman of the ERSTE foundation. In addition, he is President of the Executive Board of the European Forum Alpbach and is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Central European University in Vienna.
Elanor Rose (‘Elly’) Hardwick was elected to Luminor Bank’s Supervisory Council in April 2022. Miss Hardwick is a financial services executive with two-decades experience in innovation, markets and technology. Most recently she was Chief Digital Officer at UBS Group AG and, prior to that, Head of Innovation at Deutsche Bank AG.
Miss Hardwick is a Non-executive Director of Axis Capital Holdings Ltd, and is a member of the Risk, Corporate Governance and Nominations, and Remunerations committees. She is also a Non-executive Director of Alpha Services & Holdings and Alpha Bank Group where, for both entities, she is Chair of the Corporate Governance, Sustainability & Nominations committee and a member of the risk committee. Miss Hardwick is also an external member of the Audit Committee of the University of Cambridge.
Ottar Ertzeid, who joined Luminor Supervisory Council in January 2022, is a career banker with over 30-years’ experience. Most recently, he served as Group Chief Financial Officer at DNB ASA and DNB Bank ASA, and a member of the Group Management Board. Prior to this, he was Head of DNB Markets, DNB’s investment banking unit.
Mr Ertzeid serves on the Board of Directors and is Vice Chair of DNB Livsforsikring AS, Argentum Fondsinvesteringer AS, Verdipapirforetakenes Sikringsfond, and Dextra Artes AS. He is also a member of the Nomination Committee of Yara International ASA.
Nils Melngailis, Chairman of Luminor Supervisory Council, commented: “I am delighted that Andreas, Elly and Ottard have joined the Supervisory Council and I have no doubt they will bring tremendous value to Luminor. As we continue to enhance the depth of experience and diversity of our Council, it is well-placed to support the management team in executing the bank’s strategy and to ensure Luminor meets the highest standards of corporate governance.”
The Supervisory Council of Luminor Bank AS is chaired by Nils Melngailis and its current members include Bjørn Erik Naess, Michael Jackson, Ottar Ertzeid, Nadim El Gabbani, Maria Elena Cappello, Mathias Favetto, Betsy Nelson, Elanor Hardwick and Andreas Treichl.
Luminor is the leading independent bank in the Baltics and the third-largest provider of financial services in our region. We serve the financial needs of individuals, families, and companies. Just like our home markets of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania we are young, dynamic, and forward looking.