Luminor has received recognition from Institute of Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility – Golden Category in the annual Sustainability Index in Latvia.

This is the first time Luminor has applied for the Sustainability Index, and we are honored to receive recognition and appreciation for our efforts towards improving our business operations. We understand that our role extends beyond financial services; we have a responsibility to promote positive change, protect the environment, and foster social well-being.

“We stay committed to doing our part to create positive impact on our people, society, clients, and planet. We believe that we at Luminor have a significant role in contributing to sustainable development and running our business in a responsible, caring manner. I am proud of what we have achieved and what we plan to do in the future,” says Kadri Vunder Fontana, our head of sustainability.

Sustainability Index is an internationally recognized strategic management tool created in 2010 by the Institute for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility with the aim of providing an opportunity for various organizations to evaluate their performance in the five most important aspects of sustainability.

Read more about our progress and priorities in our 2022 Sustainability Report here.