With the aim of providing increasingly convenient and modern solutions to our customers and following the latest digital trends, from 4th August we are modernizing the Luminor ATM network by replacing almost 100 ATMs throughout Latvia.

Due to the technical replacement of the existing ATMs with new ones, ATM outages are expected. Each ATM can take up to 2 days to install and update. We aim to complete the modernization of ATMs by end of November.

Find out which ATMs will be replaced this week:


Skanstes iela 12, klientu apkalpošanas centrs “Skanste”
Scheduled date: 22.11.2021.

Skanstes iela 12, Private Banking
Scheduled date: 22.11.2021.
Brīvības gatve 372, TC Alfa, pie C ieejas
Scheduled date: 22.11.2021.
Mārupes iela 1a, Luminor pašapkalpošanās punkts
Scheduled date: 23.11.2021.
Duntes iela 19a, TC Sky&More
Scheduled date: 23.11.2021.


“Džutas”, TC A7, pie Rimi ieejas
Scheduled date: 22.11.2021.


Radio iela 16, klientu apkalpošanas centrs “Liepāja”
Scheduled date: 24.11.2021.
K.Zāles 8, TC Rimi Ostmala
Scheduled date: 24.11.2021.


Rīgas iela 13, klientu apkalpošanas centrs “Valmiera”
Scheduled date: 25.11.2021.


Valmieras iela 17a, TC Maxima XX, Luminor Uzņēmīgo Centrs
Scheduled date: 25.11.2021.


Strēlnieku iela 2, TC Šokolāde
Scheduled date: 25.11.2021.


Galdnieku iela 8, TC Rimi, Luminor Uzņēmīgo Centrs
Scheduled date: 26.11.2021.


Cietokšņa iela 70, TC Rimi Cietoksnis
Scheduled date: 26.11.2021.

Please make sure you provide cash reserves in a timely manner, if necessary. Please note that you can withdraw cash up to EUR 100 at the following  stores and service providers.

If you have any questions, call +371 67 17 1880.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.