As from today the customers of DNB banka are offered another service to simplify payment of bills - through ATMs of DNB.

Payment of bills through ATMs of DNB is accessible to both private individuals and legal entities, holders of payment card issued by DNB bank. To pay the bill, after inserting your payment card in the ATM and entering your PIN code select Bills payment and specify the relevant service provider. To finalize the transaction enter and approve payment details and print the slip if required.

Right now through ATMs of DNB you can pay the bills of Lattelecom, LMT, and Tele2 companies; the list of service providers will soon be extended. The service charge is LVL 0.05.

Currently there are accessible nearly 150 ATMs to DNB customers throughout Latvia, including cash deposit/withdrawal machines. Some DNB cash dispensers support multicurrency functionality, meaning that cash may be withdrawn not only in lats, but also in US dollars and euro.

Please, be advised that cash withdrawal without any additional fee can be performed also through ATMs of DNB in Lithuania and Norway as well as “friendly” ATMs of Swedbank and SEB bank.

For further information on location of ATMs as well as offered cash services, please, click here or call our 24/7 support line +371 67 17 1880.