During eleven months of the current year DNB 2nd pillar pension plans displayed the most rapid growth in the number of participants, i.e. close to 16%. Moreover, DNB pension plan was the one to secure the highest returns within the industry among balanced investment pension plans over five-year period.

Over eleven months of 2011 the number of participants in the 2nd pillar pension plans under management of IPAS DNB Asset Management Company has grown by more than 10,000: in total their future savings to DNB Asset Management have entrusted more than 76,000 people. In terms of growth in number of participants in 2011 DNB Asset Management has become the market leader.

The total DNB pension scheme assets during 11 months in 2011 have increased by 18.5% or 10.5 million lats, which accounts for the biggest increase among 2nd pillar pension managers in Latvia. The total pension scheme capital under management of IPAS DNB Asset Management by the end of November amounted to 67.19 million lats.

Over five-year period the highest returns among well-balanced 2nd pillar pension plans in the industry displayed balanced investment pension plan DnB NORD 2, by increasing the accumulated pension capital to its customers by 3.56% p.a. on average; among prudent investment plans the participants of the Conservative investment plan DnB NORD 1 earned 5.19% p.a. on average, while the return on the Active investment plan DnB NORD 3 was 2.66% p.a. (as of 30.11.2011)

"We are satisfied about the fact that so many residents have appreciated our asset management strategy - guaranteed stable value of their 2nd pillar pension savings - and entrusted to us management of their pension plans. From long-term, i.e. 5 years perspective, DNB managed pension plans have displayed good results in all segments, being the most profitable among balanced investment plans," indicates Armands Ločmelis, Chairman of the Management Board of IPAS DNB Asset Management.