Please, be informed that from September 10, 2013 shall enter into effect the amendments to the Pricelist of the bank DNB applicable to “Cash transactions”.

List of the principal amendments:

  • Will be increased the fee for one’s own account crediting with cash:
    • At Riga branches as well as those of Daugavpils, Liepāja, Valmiera, and Ventspilī from LVL 0.50 to LVL 1.50;
    • At branches located in towns without the bank DNB cash-in ATMs from free of charge to LVL 0.50;
  • Fee for the cash crediting to an account of another customer of the bank DNB further on will amount to LVL 3;
  • Changes apply also to the fee for the “Coins processing” service, which further on will amount to LVL 0.50 per every 50 coins;
  • On the service „LVL payment to another bank within the territory of Latvia subject to cash-in payment” is stipulated the fee of LVL 3 plus the payment fee;
  • The fee for cash withdrawal services in amounts of up to LVL 5,000 or equivalent in another currency further on will amount to 0.2% of the amount, min. LVL 2;
  • Amendments to the Pricelist section „Cash transactions” apply also to fees for cash crediting and debiting to/from the term deposit accounts. Further on the above transactions will be subject to the standard prices of the bank DNB on cash transactions. Amendments apply also to transactions with Savings Account, Open Term Deposit, and Child’s Savings Account.

Full versions of the Pricelist of the bank DNB are publicized on the website under “Pricelist”. If you have any questions or queries, please, do not hesitate to call 24/7 support line of the bank DNB +371 67 17 1880.