To provide its clients with more opportunities in using their payment cards on a daily basis, as well as on trips abroad, DNB Bank has chosen one cooperation partner – the international credit card organisation VISA – in improving its payment card services. Therefore as of 1 February 2016 amendments will be introduced to the DNB Bank Rules and Price List.

The main changes relating to payment cards:

  • In order to make it easier for clients to protect themselves and their family against various risks during family or business trips abroad, for all VISA Classic, VISA Gold and VISA Business cards the service fee for using the card will also include travel insurance (in cooperation with ERGO Insurance SE 1) for the cardholder and their family members.
  • When renewing or receiving a new VISA Gold or VISA Business credit card, the DNB Bank cardholder will also be able to obtain a PriorityPass card giving them access to airport lounges around the world.
  • Upon the end of validity of issued cards, DNB Bank will be gradually replacing VISA Dynamic cards with VISA Debit, which will give clients broader opportunities to shop online, as well as other benefits. Galactico VISA Classic and Galactico VISA Dynamic cards will be combined into one universal payment card – Galactico VISA Debit.
  • Until now the service fee for payment cards was charged once a year, however, as of 1 February 2016 the service fee for private clients will be charged once a month.2
  • Using their payment card and PIN code, payment cardholders will be able carry out various additional transactions through DNB ATMs (such as submitting applications, signing contracts for services etc.).
  • MasterCards that have already been issued by DNB Bank will continue to work until the end of their validity, at which time they will be replaced with VISA payment cards.

Based on the aforementioned, DNB Bank has made amendments, which will take force as of 1 February 2016, to the following documents:

  • Account Maintenance and Card Usage Rules and Price List (for both private and corporate clients)
  • Term Deposit Account Opening and Maintenance Rules (for corporate clients)
  • Price List for Private Clients
  • Price List for Corporate Clients

In the event that you do not agree to the amendments introduced by DNB Bank to the Account Maintenance and Card Usage Rules, the Term Deposit Account Opening and Maintenance Rules or the Price List, then according to the General Terms and Conditions of the Bank, prior to these amendments taking effect you have the right to unilaterally withdraw from a service contract that these amendments have affected by informing DNB Bank in writing and fulfilling all obligations placed upon you by the relevant service contract. If DNB Bank does not receive such a written notice from you within the time period given, it shall be considered that you have agreed to these amendments.

Main changes to the Price List concerning private clients]

Payment cards

  • The previously charged yearly service fee will be replaced by the following monthly fee:
    • VISA Dynamic– EUR 0.80 per month;
    • Galactico VISA Dynamic– EUR 1.20 per month;
    • Galactico VISA Classic– EUR 1,50 per month;
    • VISA Classic and MasterCard Standard (including travel insurance) – EUR 2.00 per month;
    • VISA Gold and MasterCard Gold (including travel insurance) – EUR 5.50 per month;
    • VISA Platinum (including travel insurance) – EUR 20.00 per month.
  • Card delivery by mail is free of charge, therefore we ask clients to specify their delivery address in the Internet bank. A fee of EUR 5.00 will be charged for card delivery at a branch office.
  • Fee for displaying the account balance in ATMs of other banks (currently EUR 0.30 / USD 0.40, henceforth EUR 0.50 / USD 0.60).

Current account

  • Fee of EUR 5.00 for opening or closing an additional current account at a branch office or the Call Centre. These services are free of charge on the Internet bank.


  • Fee for payments within DNB Bank or DNB Group and standard SEPA payments done at a branch office or the Call Centre (currently EUR 3.00, henceforth EUR 5.00).
  • Fee for regular invoice payment (currently EUR 0.28, henceforth EUR 0.30).

Cash deposit or withdrawal using a code at ATMs

  • Fee for code receipt application registration at a branch office or the Call Centre (currently EUR 2.00, henceforth EUR 5.00), whereas the fee for application through the Internet bank remains the same (EUR 2.00).

Electronic channels

  • A fee of EUR 2.00 will be charged for unblocking the code calculator.

Main changes to the Price List and Rules concerning corporate clients]

Changes in the Term Deposit Account Opening and Maintenance Rules:

  • The name of the Open Term Deposit is changed to Saving Account with all other rules of this service remaining unchanged.
  • For Term Deposits it will be possible to receive the interest accrued every month, instead of only at maturity.

Changes in the Price List:

Payment cards

  • Fee for production of VISA Business card and annual service fee (currently EUR 35.00, henceforth EUR 45.00); this fee also includes travel insurance for the cardholder.
  • Newly produced VISA Business cards will be issued together with a PriorityPass.
  • Annual fee for MasterCard Business card maintenance (currently EUR 40.00, henceforth EUR 45.00); this fee also includes travel insurance for the cardholder.
  • Card delivery by mail is free of charge, therefore we ask clients to specify their delivery address in the Internet bank. A fee of EUR 5.00 will be charged for card delivery at a branch office.
  • Fee for displaying the account balance in ATMs of other banks (currently EUR 0.30 / USD 0.40, henceforth EUR 0.50 / USD 0.60).

Current accounts

  • Fee of EUR 5.00 for opening or closing an additional current account at a branch office or the Call Centre. These services are free of charge on the Internet bank.
  • Fee for renewal of a closed account with the previous number (currently EUR 10.00, henceforth EUR 15.00).


  • Fee for payments within DNB Bank or DNB Group and standard SEPA payments done at a branch office or the Call Centre (currently EUR 3.00, henceforth EUR 5.00).
  • Fee for payments within DNB Bank to another person’s account, if the payment is done through Electronic Channels, and for execution of a regular payment order to a different account within DNB Bank – EUR 0.05 per payment.
  • Fee for regular invoice payment (currently EUR 0.28, henceforth 0.30).

Cash deposit or withdrawal using a code at ATMs

  • Fee for code receipt application registration at a branch office or the Call Centre (currently EUR 2.00, henceforth EUR 5.00), whereas the fee for application through the Internet bank remains the same (EUR 2.00).

Electronic channels

  • A fee of EUR 2.00 will be charged for unblocking the code calculator.
  • The maximum fee for execution of a DNB LINK service payment order is revoked (currently 1.5% of the payment amount, yet no less than EUR 0.07 and no more than EUR 2.85, henceforth 1.5% of the payment amount, yet no less than EUR 0.07).
  •  Fee of EUR 20.00 for contractual changes for the DNB LINK service.

1 For the purposes of registering the insurance, DNB Bank passes on the name and surname of the cardholder, as well as a partial card number to ERGO Insurance SE (Registration No. 10017013 in the Commercial Register of the Republic of Estonia, legal address: A.H. Tammsaare tee 47, Tallinn, 11316, Estonia), which is represented in the Republic of Latvia by the Latvian branch of ERGO Insurance SE (registration No. 40103599913, legal address: Skanstes iela 50, Rīga, LV – 1013). In case of an insurance event, the insurer identifies the cardholder based on the aforementioned information.

2 To implement the transition to the monthly service fee, DNB Bank will recalculate the annual fees, which have not been withheld, on a per month basis and on 1 February 2016 the fee for the previous service period will be withheld (i.e. for the period since the last charging of the fee until 31 January 2016). For example, if a card was produced on 1 August 2015, then on 31 January 2016 the service fee for 6 months will be charged.