Please, be advised about amendments to AS DNB banka (hereinafter – the Bank) General Business Terms and Conditions effective as of 1 October 2017.

You are kindly asked to read through the principal amendments and retain this notice for further reference. 

Amendments provide for the following principal modifications:

  • Amendments introduce a new term “Basic account” according to the definition given in the Law on Payment Services and Electronic Money, stipulating that entering into a basic account maintenance agreement may be refused and such agreement may be terminated in situations explicitly referred to in regulatory enactments only.
  • It is stipulated that in cases the amendments to General Business Terms and Conditions, Service terms and conditions and the List of Conditions apply to the Service agreement entered into with the consumer for a certain period such amendments may be made due to a reason explicitly referred to in General Business Terms and Conditions only.  
  • Amendments provide for modifications in the definition of the term “a person related to the Bank” by replacing the reference to DNB ASA or any person, which is under either direct or indirect control of the latter with a more general description of persons related to the Bank, i.e. by stipulating that a  “person related to the Bank” is a person, which is under either direct or indirect control of the Bank or a person exercising either direct or indirect control over the Bank or any other person under either direct or indirect control of the person exercising either direct or indirect control over the Bank. 
  • The chapter on confidentiality and personal data protection was replenished with a provision that the customer’s data and confidential information may be disclosed to a person, which has acquired either direct or indirect participation in the Bank or any person under control of such person only in case such disclosure of information of data is required to secure compliance with regulatory enactments governing operational activities of such persons.  
  • Аre detailed and replenished regulations on using the e-mail in communication with the customer and underlying risks, stipulating that both when corresponding with the customer or in situations where the Bank pursuant to the General Business Terms and Conditions is e-mailing an information that contains the customer’s data to other parties the Bank may abstain from using any encryption means or other logical protection means except for instances referred to in regulatory enactments, which call for mandatory application of such means.       
  • In the section about supervising authorities, consideration of complaints and resolving of disputes is detailed the address of the Consumer Rights Protection Centre and amended the response period to a consumer’s complaint, stipulating that the reply must be provided within 15 business days.   
If you agree with the above amendments you do not have to do anything - the amendments will automatically enter into effect as of 1 October 2017. If you disagree with the amendments you are entitled prior to the effective date of the amendments to unilaterally recede from the signed service agreements subject to a written notice to the Bank and performance of all obligations deriving from such agreements.