In order to continue to comply with the requirements of the regulatory enactments and to provide our Customers the most suitable and appropriate banking services, the Bank needs to understand and know its Customer. Therefore, by following the “Know Your Customer” (KYC) principle that is aligned with the local legislation, Nordea from 5th September 2016 will proactively initiate additional efforts on Customer data update on regular basis.

While cooperating with Customers the Bank is required to know, understand and obtain information about them and catch an essence and objective of the their current or planned transactions as well as find out the true beneficiaries meanwhile protecting the Customer from potential identity theft, financial fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing.

Banks are obliged* to regularly capture and update necessary KYC information, by asking Customers to complete special questionnaires, if needed. Therefore it is possible that Banks can call Customers and ask to provide or clarify some information.

In order to update KYC information the Bank will ask private and corporate Customers with insufficient or out-of-date KYC data to provide all necessary information to the Bank. The information will be obtained and collected at Nordea branches, via postal service and various digital solutions, for example, the private customers will be able to submit the information via the Netbank.

Pursuant to the Credit Institutions Law, the Bank is obliged to treat all the information received as confidential and will use it only to fulfil the Bank's statutory obligations.

We are looking forward to Your responsiveness and hope you understand the need and value of this process.

For more information please visit or contact Nordea customer service by calling (+ 371) 67 096 096, or writing to

* The law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing