Transition to the euro currency by Nordea bank has been successful, and as of 1 January services to the Bank's customers are available in euros. Two minutes after midnight, the first euro banknotes were already available at Nordea ATMs, and shortly after 5 a.m. operation of the Netbank was restored completely. For customer convenience, Nordea suggests using payment cards for settlements in euro during the first days of the year.

Head of Nordea bank in Latvia, Jānis Buks: “The introduction of the euro is a unique event for all of us – banks, customers, and the country as such. Throughout the year, we have been preparing and working towards a successful transition to the euro and to achieve the best result. I am particularly glad that we have not only achieved the goals that were set but also exceeded expectations, since we were the first to ensure the availability of banking services to our customers on New Year’s Eve. However, after the grand event that was the introduction of the euro, I invite you during the first days of the year to stop for a moment, reflect on your personal goals for this year and start the New Year calmly and thoughtfully. I wish everyone continued success in 2014!”

Even though during the first hours of the year the people's interest in paying with euros was rather moderate, the first cash withdrawals from Nordea ATMs and payments using payment cards have been carried out successfully.

ATMs and payment cards

Two minutes after midnight cash withdrawals in euros were already available from Nordea ATMs.

During the first 30 minutes after midnight there were 17 cash withdrawals with an average amount of EUR 25. During the same period, 14 payments using payment cards were carried out with an average amount of EUR 25. During the first 11 hours of 1 January 2014, more than 3,000 cash withdrawals with an average amount of EUR 50 (LVL 35.14) and nearly 700 payments using payment cards with an average amount of EUR 11 (LVL 7.37) took place.

The Netbank

Conversion to the euro has been completed successfully, and shortly after 5 a.m. on 1 January the operation of the Nordea Netbank was restored fully and available to customers.  Nordea Netbank makes it possible to view account balances, execute payments between customer accounts and see the converted amount of loans and deposits in euros. From now on, domestic payments in the Nordea Netbank will be executed in euros. Payments performed in the Nordea Netbank after 30 December 2013 at 4 p.m. will be executed on 2 January 2014.

Nordea customer service units
For customer convenience, on 1 January 2014 from 11:00 a.m. till 3:00 p.m. the customer service units “Nordea māja” at 62 Kr. Valdemāra Street 62 and “Tērbata” at 4 Tērbatas Street will be open to provide basic banking operations  conversion of cash into euros, deposit of lats in euro accounts and withdrawals from euro accounts.

Key information on the availability of Nordea banking services during the first days of January is summarised on