International Finance Journal “Global Finance” has recognized Nordea as the best bank in Latvia in the latest study where experts, managers and consultants of finance industry have listed the best banks of developing markets in 21 countries in Central and Eastern Europe

The assessment of “Global Finance” is based on such criteria as the increase in company’s assets, efficiency, strategic relations, client service, competitive prices for their services as well as innovative products and services. Apart from that, for the first time “Global Finance” made the survey among its readers with the aim to ensure the precision and the assessment and credibility of the study results.

Last year, according to the assessment of “Global Finance”, Nordea was recognised as the safest bank in the Nordic Region. The rating of the banks has been established on the basis of 500 credit rating indicators of the largest banks in the world–Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch, as well as common assets of the banks.

For more information and the list of the ratings of the best banks in the world, visit “Global Finance” webpage.