The annual Sustainability Index 2014 performance evaluation has been completed and Nordea Bank Latvia has acquired silver category out of 40 participating Latvian companies. Sustainability Index measurement is performed in Latvia already for the fourth year and provides companies with unbiased criteria to assess the sustainability of a company and the level of its corporate responsibility.

Jānis Buks, the head of Nordea Bank Latvia branch: "Throughout the years, the corporate social responsibility has become an everyday aspect of Nordea Bank business and it has been successfully integrated in the business policy of the bank. I am pleased that our employees, partners and even our customers have become the messengers of the corporate social responsibility activities of our bank.  It is evidenced by the interest and regular participation of our customers and employees in such corporate social responsibility initiatives as the Nordea Business School, Nordea charity projects and the financial education programme"Nordea Money School" as well as the appreciation by customers that strengthens our determination to be a socially responsible long-term partner." 

About the Nordea corporate social responsibility strategy

Nordea Bank Latvia branch corporate social responsibility strategy was established in 2011 and it serves as a measurement and reference system integrated in our business strategy. The corporate social responsibility strategy reviews and analyses the bank performance against its major impacted areas, namely, the company, the society, the business environment and the nature.

About the Sustainability Index

Sustainability index is a strategic management tool helping companies in Latvia to assess their performance. Apart from that, the society, as well as governmental and non-governmental organisations obtains reliable information about a company and its performance as well as its long-term contribution to the development of Latvia. Sustainability Index is the sole voluntary benchmarking index for companies in Latvia; it covers all business sectors and reports on the four key impact areas of corporate responsibility: society, workplace, marketplace and environment.