On the 1st of October DNB and Nordea merged their activity in the Baltic States, establishing Luminor – a new independent provider of financial services. We aim to become a new generation cooperation partner for local companies and business people, offering the best solutions for daily needs and business.

To simplify the routine of Luminor customers and to offer equal prices for similar products and services, we have partially equated the prices. Along with these changes we want to create unified and convenient solutions by reviewing the current product range.

The new price list will be valid as of the 1st of February, 2018.


More about changes for private individuals and companies whose account number includes “NDEA” letters (LVxxNDEAxxxxxxxxxxxxx) and whose payment card or credit card was issued by the Latvian branch of Nordea Bank AB:


In case of any questions you are kindly asked to contact us via telephone +371 670 96 096 or via e-mail: info@luminor.lv.


Our goal is to provide the best possible contribution to local markets, which is why our next step will be the unification of products and services in all three Baltic States.

https://luminor.lv/sites/default/files/nordea-news/documents/PRIVATE_EN_LUMI.pdf https://luminor.lv/sites/default/files/nordea-news/documents/CORPORATE_EN_LUMI.pdf