Luminor Jungle Projects for the Summer of 2019

Restructuring & Recovery: Portfolio sales

Scope of the project: Restructuring & Recovery
Name of the project: Portfolio sales
Description: In order to set up an efficient sales process, we need to develop and prepare internal off-balance sheet portfolio data management system.
Required skills: Legal or economic background, interest in restructuring and M&A, focus on detail and ability to manage data mining, critical problem-solving skills.
Main tasks and expectations: Preparation of tool for managing off-balance sheet portfolio data - data collection, data insertion and data analysis; compilation of off-balance sheet portfolio claims packages; pre-sales support.

Restructuring & Recovery: Luminor's comprehensive assessment

Scope of the project: Restructuring & Recovery
Name of the project​: Luminor's comprehensive assessment
Description: We are preparing for an important review by European Central Bank. As part of the preparation we need to collect, summarise and analyse various credit related data.
Required skills: Ability to work with data - collect data from files and systems; work with xls and build xls models. Patience and independence.
Main tasks and expectations: Data collection as per pre-defined criteria, creating xls depositories, working throughout different divisions.

AML / Compliance: AML High Risk customer list review

Scope of the project: AML / Compliance
Name of the project​: AML High Risk customer list review
Description: Review for HR mark in all bank systems, various reports - find descrepancies, make allignment. Ensure in the end of the projectall information in all places is correct and is the same.  
Required skills: The main thing - willingness to learn! we`ll help with all other. The task is kind a routine, patience needed, but valuable experience in AML field guaranteed. 
Main tasks and expectations: Review lists, compare with data in bank systems, find and correct descrepancies, get things in order. 
Location: Latvia

AML / Compliance: Review on customer data quality

Scope of the project: AML / Compliance
Name of the project​: Review on customer data quality
Description: Run customer data quality checks (collecting data from the systems) for customers on-boarded in 2019. Initial scope consists of 100 of customers from each of the Baltic countries and are planned to-be reviewed in all customers segments.
Required skills: High sense of responsibility for the accomplished works; Good communication (verbal and written) and cooperation skills; Analytical, investigative and research skills; Accuracy on handling Bank's internal data. Interest in AML/CFT will be considered an advantage.
Main tasks and expectations: Trainee will be driven by Lead of the project. Trainees tasks are related to running quality checks of the data based on provided methodology; summaring missing data and working on Compliance memo, which will be considered as a executive summary of performed work.

Business support solutions: Platon system documentation creation

Scope of the project: Business support solutions
Name of the project​: Platon system documentation creation
Description: We have started pulling joint efforts to develop missing  system documentation for core system Platon. It means gathering and compiling existing materials and moving into Confluence and creating missing business process diagrams, DB structure, data models, describe integrations with other systems, UI explanations, User stories and use cases.
Required skills: Broad knowledge of hardware, software and programming, banking business awareness, methodical and investigative mind, advanced English, passion for drawing diagrams and formulating and expressing information in written format and excellent communication skills.
Main tasks and expectations: Approaching different people and gathering various bits of information together, structuring it and creating useful system documentation in Confluence.

Business support solutions: Creating unified design and process for software technical documentation

Scope of the project: Business support solutions
Name of the project​: Creating unified design and process for software technical documentation
Description: Luminor wants to improve design and process for creating and maintaining technical documentation for the software developed in-house or acquired from external vendors. Goal of this project would be to analyse AS-IS state and prepare a vision of possible target solution, including action roadmap to reach such.
Required skills: Knowledge of Software Development Lifecycle; Knowledge of software technical documentation standards; Analytical skills and ability to work with multiple stakeholders across large organisation; Atlassian tools (Jira and Confluence).
Main tasks and expectations: Analyse AS-IS state and prepare a vision of possible target solution, including action roadmap to reach such.

Finance: Regulatory reporting dashboard

Scope of the project: Finance
Name of the project​: Regulatory reporting dashboard
Description: Implement a dashboard for regulatory reporting units to track and monitor progress of main report preperation. Two main activities:
1) Create master list of all regulatory reports in Luminor;
2) Develop reporting dashboard as live visual management tool for the team and managers. 
Required skills: Very good MS Excell skill, skills in IT and in data visualization tools as advantage. In addition ability to work independently, result oriented and good communication skills.
Main tasks and expectations: Two main tasks:
1) create master list of all regulatory reports in Luminor.  Initial list already has, trainee task will be to ensure that in the list all regulatory reports are reigstered and create user friendly report registry (list) for whole organization - review and reorganize this registry (list);
2) develop reporting dashboard as live visual management tool for the team and managers and create clear implementation plan. If time is enought - manage pilot project as well.

Retail Banking: Customer insight survey

Scope of the project: Retail Banking
Name of the project​: Customer insight survey 
Description: Customer insights as to the designed service experience is important stage for reality check during Retail transformation jurney. Retail would benefit to gain customer voice proofpoints, showstoppers and most important - target customers expectations towards our service approach. 
Required skills: Basic project design/ market analysis/ open communications and language/ logics over the customer experience and service.
Main tasks and expectations: Design the target and logics of survey; select the relevant format; meet the customers; analyse the data, interconnections; draw and present essentials.