Frequently asked questions about Luminor E‑Commerce Gateway service

General questions

Why do I need to use E-Commerce Gateway service?

Luminor E-commerce Gateway is fast and effective way to collect funds from buyers in convenient way, if you are providing service or selling product on e-shop or via social media

What is Payment initiation service?

Online service which accesses a user’s payment account to initiate the transfer of funds on their behalf with the user’s consent and authentication. Payment initiation services is alternative to Banklink service or payments via payment cards in e-commerce environment. Payment initiation can be conducted from Swedbank, SEB, Citadele, LHV banks.

How Luminor will collect fees?

Fees for card transactions are calculated and deducted from volume, prior to card transaction settlement within merchant account. 

Fees for transactions that has been processed via Luminor Link and payment initiating service as payment method are calculated and deducted based on volumes in past month in the beginning of each following month. (until 10th of date) 

What fees will be applied after special offer ends?

After special offer period, standard price list will be applied according to the pricelist

Account and agreement

Should I need account in Luminor to use E-commerce Gateway?

Yes, you need to open account in Luminor bank for fund collection.

How to open account in Luminor?

Please fill in application on Luminor page here.

How much time does it takes application processing until I get agreement?

Usually it takes 2 working days to process application and prepare agreement. Additional time might require, if account opening to be preformed in Luminor bank.

What’s next – after agreement signing?

1. Bank will deliver test and production secret keys, if sales performed via e-shop.
2. Bank will provide access to merchant portal
3. You will make implementation, if sales performed via e-shop.
4. You will confirm fulfillment of Requirements for Communication, Website Content and Design.
5. Bank will activate service.
6. You will be able to start to accept payments via E-Commerce Gateway.

Merchant portal

Can Merchant portal be used without e‑shop?

Yes, it is possible to use Merchant portal without e‑shop. Merchant portal will let send out invoices with Link to pay for easy and convenient payment collection from buyer.

Who might become as merchant portal administrator?

As Merchant portal Administrator might be set Only Authorised signatory of the company that has been identified by the bank.

How other users than Administrator can get access to Merchant portal?

Administrator is able to create access to other Merchant portal users, via Merchant portal user administration section.

How fast admin will get access to Merchant portal?

Once agreement signed and received by the bank, it will be required 2 working days.

Integration and plugins

On what platform I should create my e‑shop that I could implement solution faster?

WooCommerce, Opencart, Shopify, Magento, PrestaShop, Mozello platforms can be used.

Are there manuals for PlugIn installations?

Manuals for plug in installations are available here

What coding language needs to be used for E‑Commerce integration?

It is essential to choose coding language, if you don’t use plugin. REST API communication is used for integration of E‑Commerce Gateway service, while it is up to IT choose the preferable coding language. 

What are supported e­‑commerce shop PlugIns and versions?

WooCommerce – version 3.5 and higher
Opencart – version 3.0 and higher
Magento – version 2.0 and higher
PrestaShop – version 1.7 and higher

What if I am getting WooCommerce error message: "PlugIn configuration error"

Check if Brand ID or Secret Key do not contain some wrong symbol or some unnecessary space in the front or end of the key.

Can integration be done for phone application?

Yes, use REST API integration method to integrate within phone application.

What are Requirements for Communication, Website Content and Design?

Basic requirements that Merchant need to comply with to give to it`s buyers best possible understanding of products, payments, delivery, refund and personal data processing. All Requirements you can find here.

How can I verify that I meet the Communication, Website Content and Design requirements for my page?

If you want to confirm that you meet Communication, Website Content and Design requirements, you must submit a signed confirmation form to the bank. You can find this form here.

Should it be done something more when activation e‑mail had received?

Activation e‑mails notifies when service is activated by bank in production environment. This is moment when merchant can start to use in production platform production secret key sent in e‑mail previously or start to send invoices via Merchant portal.

How fast test and production secret keys are delivered?

Once agreement signed and received by the bank, it will be required 2 working days.

What to do with secret keys?

Use brand ID and test secret key to perform integration tests, by testing successful and unsuccessful transaction.

Use brand ID and production secret key in production e shop when bank has confirmed service activation.

Is there PlugIn for Mozello platform?

Mozello offers package with included integration under Premium Plus package.

How to redirect buyer to correct language of payment methods UI?

Within Purchase object parameters "language" to be set by providing one of listed parameters:
lt – Lithuanian
lv – Latvian
et – Estonian
en – English
ru – Russian

Payment methods and execution

From which banks I can receive payments with this solution?

Luminor, Swedbank, SEB, Citadele, LHV banks when used Luminor Link or Payment initiation service as payment methods.

Which payment cards customer can use for payments?

Visa, Mastercard, private and company credit and debit cards can be accepted.

Does the bank provide recurring payments service?

Luminor bank currently do not provide recurring payments service, but we are working to implement it.

How fast I will be notified that transaction is made and funds will be received?

Usually such notification is received within 5 minutes, once buyer confirms transaction (despite it was done by card, Luminor link of via payment initiation payment method).

How fast I will get money - fund settlement done?

  • Card transactions will be received on next working day. 
  • Luminor Link payments which are made within the same country will be received within 5 minutes.
  • Luminor Link payments which are made cross countries (payer and receiver account in different countries) will be received according to SEPA  payment processing conditions, set in payer bank. Usually such payments are received within the same working day, if payment confirmed until ~16:00, or on next working day, if after 16:00.
  • Funds from transactions that has been initiated under Payment initiation service payment method from Swedbank, SEB, Citadele, LHV will be received according to SEPA  payment processing conditions, set in payer bank. Usually such payments are received within the same working day, if payment confirmed until ~16:00, or on next working day, if after 16:00.

How to pass payment details for Luminor link and Payment initiation service payments?

Within Purchase object parameters “description” value to be set.

How to get payment status?

You can check payment status:
1) in Merchant portal (operation section)
2) If using Rest API, detailed information on statuses can be found here

Why security deposit is applied?

Security deposit is applied in some cases, when card acquiring as payment method is included in E‑Commerce Gateway agreement and area where Merchant acting has higher risk exposure. Bank applies security deposit as part of mitigation actions of it`s risks within cooperation with particular Merchant.