We made changes to the current price list, clarified the terms and prices to ensure a better price list structure, as well as uniform service prices in the Baltic States.

The full version of the new prie list is available here.


Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
Current accounts
Current account opening
Opening of additional current account and closure of current account:
- at the Customer Service Center or via Customer Support
Opening of additional current account and closure of current account:
- at the Customer Service Center or via Customer Support
Change fee price
Current accounts
Account maintenance
€3.50 per current account
Monthly maintenance fee of a Current account
€4.00 per current account
Monthly maintenance fee of a Current account
Change fee price

Other services

Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
Other services €5 + Actual costs
Courier delivery
€10 + Actual costs
Courier delivery
Change fee price


Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
Visa Business Debit
Ordering and delivering
Monthly fee
Monthly fee for provision of a debit card
Change fee name and price
Visa Business Debit and VISA Business
Provision of debit card (producing and maintenece)
Extra fee for the urgent production / replacement of Card (2)
Extra fee for the urgent production / replacement of Card (1)
Change fee price
Visa Business Debit and VISA Business
Other cards' related services
PIN code reminder:
€ 1
- In Internet bank
- at Customer Service Center or via Customer Support
PIN code reminder:
€ Free
- In Internet bank
- at Customer Service Center or via Customer Support
Change fee price
VISA Business
Provision of credit card (producing and maintenance)
Production of card VISA Business (along with Priority Pass cards and travel insurance)
Production of card
-VISA Business (along with travel insurance)
- Priority Pass
Change fee name and price
VISA Business
Provision of credit card (producing and maintenance)
Replacement of Card (in case of loss, theft, wear, damage or other defects) Replacement of Card (in case of loss, theft, wear, damage or other defects)
- VISA Business (along with Priority Pass and travel insurance)
- Priority Pass
Change fee name and price
VISA Business
Credit limit
Agreement fee for a credit limit
New fee and reference added


Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
Set of services (Business package 10, 25, 50, 150) According to business package (10,25,50,150)
Euro payments
According to business package (10,25,50,150)
Euro payments in Internet bank and mobile bank
Change fee name


Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
Outgoing payments in Euros
Internal payments
€0.05 (via digital channels)
To other's account within Luminor Latvia branch
€0.10 (via digital channels)
To other's account within Luminor Latvia branch
Change fee price
Outgoing payments in Euros
Payments to European countries
Urgent Euro payments   Remove the service from Customer Service Center or via Customer Support
Outgoing payments in Euros
Payments to other countries
Outgoing payments in other currencies
Payments to other banks
 - Ordinary SHA payment
 - Urgent SHA payment
 - Express SHA payment
 - Ordinary OUR payment
  - Urgent OUR payment
  - Express OUR payment
  Remove the service from Customer Service Center or via Customer Support
Outgoing payments in Euros
Payments to other countries
Outgoing payments in other currencies
Payments to other banks
Ordinary, Urgent, Express SHA payment (3)
(3) OUR (all fees for payer) – when a payment is sent with the charge type OUR, the payer may be charged additional fees by the beneficiary’s bank and/or by the correspondent banks which will be debited by Luminor from the payer’s account. However, the Bank shall not be held liable if the beneficiary does not receive the full payment amount due to other reasons beyond the Bank's control (additional charges may be deducted by correspondent/ intermediary banks from the transferred amount).
Ordinary, Urgent, Express SHA payment (3)
(3) OUR (all fees for payer) – when a payment is sent with the charge type OUR, all fees by the beneficiary’s bank and/or by the correspondent banks will be covered by the payer.
However, the Bank shall not be held liable if the beneficiary does not receive the full payment amount due to other reasons beyond the Bank's control (additional charges may be deducted by correspondent/ intermediary banks from the transferred amount).
Change in reference
Incoming payments Incoming SHA payments (2)
(2) SHA – the beneficiary pays fees of a beneficiary bank and intermediary banks.
Incoming SHA/BEN payments (2)
(2) The fee applies to incoming payments with option SHA/BEN received via SWIFT in all currencies from outside EEA and in any other currency than Euro if a payment is received from within EEA.
BEN - all fees are applied to the beneficiary.
SHA – the beneficiary pays fees of a beneficiary bank and intermediary banks.
Change fee name and price
Other payment services
Cancellation, amendment and investigation of the payment
In case of mistake by Luminor
New fee
Other payment services
Cancellation, amendment and investigation of the payment
Internal payment €20
Euro payment to Latvia or the Single Euro Payments Area member states (1)
Change fee name, price and reference added
Other payment services
Cancellation, amendment and investigation of the payment
Other payment:
- up to 6 months after receipt of payment order: €50 + extra costs (1)
- over 6 months after receipt of payment order:  €100 + extra costs (1)
(1) Extra costs - commision, determined by correspondent bank and/or beneficiary bank apart from the Bank for payment order investigation or correction
Payments in any currency to outside  Single Euro Payments Area member states and payments in currencies other than euro to Single Euro Payments Area member states (1)
- up to 6 months after receipt of payment order: €50 + extra costs (1)
- over 6 months after receipt of payment order:  €100 + extra costs (1)
(1) Full list of countries can be found on the European Central Banks' webpage
(2) Extra costs - commision, determined by correspondent bank and/or beneficiary bank apart from the Bank for payment order investigation or correction
Change fee name
Other services related to payments €3
Payment transaction printout and confirmation
Payment transaction printout and confirmation
Change fee price
Other services related to payments Issuance of SWIFT or SEPA statement copy on outgoing or incoming payment Confirmation of SWIFT or SEPA payment statement Change fee name
Other services related to payments Fee for convertor Fee for convertor to ISO 20022 Change fee name


Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
All loan products 1% of the loan amount, min. €300 (applying using e-channels and signing electronically: 1% of the amount, min. €200)
Agreement fee
1% of the loan amount, min. €150
Agreement is signed electronically and application was sent using e-channels
1% of the loan amount, min. €250
Agreement and/or application is signed physically in a paper way
Change fee name and price
All loan products 1% of the loan amount, min. €300 (applying using e-channels and signing electronically: 1% of the amount, min. €200)
Agreement amendment fee
1% of the loan amount, min. €150
Agreement is signed electronically and application was sent using e-channels
1% of the loan amount, min. €250
Agreement and/or application is signed physically in a paper way
Change fee name and price


Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
Luminor Līzings SIA price list for leasing services
Fees for Leasing services Commitment fee for Corporate clients Commitment fee (1)
(1) Standard fees are indicative and may vary based on agreement between the parties.
Reference added
Fees for Leasing services €170
Commitment fee for change of the lessee
1.5% of leasing object price, min. €165
Commitment fee for change of the lessee
Change fee price
Luminor Līzings Latvija SIA price list for leasing service
Fees for Leasing services 1.5% of leasing object price, min. €121
Commission fee for execution of documents in case of repayment of liabilities before maturity or refinancing
1.5% of leasing object price, min. €60.50
Commission fee for execution of documents in case of repayment of liabilities before maturity or refinancing
Change fee price
Luminor Līzings SIA price list for other leasing services
Fees for other Leasing services €30
Release of commercial pledge (preparation and submission of the application to the Enterprise Register)
Release of commercial pledge (preparation and submission of the application to the Enterprise Register)
Change fee price
Luminor Līzings SIA and Luminor Līzings Latvija SIA price list for leasing services
Fees for other Leasing services €20
Granting consent to install LPG equipment on or perform other rebuilding of Lease Object
Granting consent to install LPG equipment on or perform other rebuilding of Lease Object
Change fee price
Fees for other Leasing services   €25
Commission fee for giving consent to transfer a vehicle to trading company
New fee
Fees for other Leasing services €20
Preparation of standard notices (notices on lease liabilities, incl. agreements, paid interest, debt and coordination of comparative acts)
Preparation of standard notices (notices on lease liabilities, incl. agreements, paid interest, debt and coordination of comparative acts)
Change fee price
Fees for other Leasing services Up to €50
Preparation of non-standard notices
Up to €60.50
Preparation of non-standard notices
Change fee price
Fees for other Leasing services €85
Preparation of reports upon the customer's request
Preparation of reports upon the customer's request
Change fee price

Factoring services

Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
Factoring services Invoice administration/ acceptance fee Invoice administration fee Change fee name

Digital channels

Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
Digital channels
Internet bank
Code calculator issuance or replacement Code calculator Digipass 270 issuance or replacement Change fee name
Digital channels
Internet bank
Unblocking of Code calculator in a Customer Service Center
Unblocking of Code calculator in a Customer Service Center or remotely
Change fee name (adding that services is also available remotely)
Digital channels
Internet bank
Change user settings, new additional user connection (per user) (3)
(3) Without increasing the overall number of users free of charge.
Change user settings, new additional user connection in a Customer Service Center (per user) (3)
(3) Without increasing the overall number of users free of charge.
Change fee name
Digital channels
Internet bank
Change user settings, new additional user connection in Internet bank (per user) (3)
New fee
Digital channels
Internet bank
Code calculator Digipass 300C issuance or replacement (2)
(2) Limited quantity available, therefore standart code calculator could be issued in case of replacement.
Code calculator Digipass 300C issuance or replacement (2)
(2) Limited quantity available, therefore code calculator Digipass 270 could be issued in case of replacement.
Change in reference
Digital channels
Monthly fee
Monthly fee
Change fee price
Digital channels
Monthly fee for each additional group company
Monthly fee for each additional group company
Change fee price
Digital channels
Agreement amendment fee
Agreement amendment fee
Change fee price

SWIFT services

Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
SWIFT services
Request for payment (MT101)
Subscription to service (applied per account (IBAN basis) for IN/OUT MT101 services)
New fee
SWIFT services
Request for payment (MT101)
15 EUR monthly per account
Information exchange with a foreign bank MT940 OUT, MT101 IN
€15 per month
Service maintenance (applied per account (IBAN basis) for IN/OUT MT101 services)
New fee
SWIFT services
Request for payment (MT101)
Service termination
New fee
SWIFT services
Request for payment (MT101)
Sending request for payment MT101
New fee
SWIFT services
Request for payment (MT101)
Pursuant to the "Payments" section of the Price list
Execution of the received MT 101 IN payment order
According to Payment price list
Request for payment execution (MT101)
Change fee name
SWIFT services
Account information services (MT940, MT941, MT942)
  € 50
Subscription to service (applied per account (IBAN basis) for each BIC mentioned in the agreement for IN/OUT MT940/MT941/MT942 services)
New fee
SWIFT services
Account information services (MT940, MT941, MT942)
Service termination
New fee
SWIFT services
Account information services (MT940, MT941, MT942)
€15 monthly per account
Sending of account information and execution of payment order (MT940 OUT and MT101 IN):
 - information exchange with a foreign bank
€30 per month
Sending account statement MT940 to other bank (applied per account per each BIC)
Change fee name and price
SWIFT services
Account information services (MT940, MT941, MT942)
  €1 per message
Sending account balance interim report MT941 to other bank (applied per account per each receiver BIC)
New fee
SWIFT services
Account information services (MT940, MT941, MT942)
€1 for each report
Sending of MT 941 or MT 942 OUT report
 - information exchange with a foreign bank
€1 for each report
Sending transaction report MT942 to other bank (applied per account per each receiver BIC)
Change fee name
SWIFT services
Account information services (MT940, MT941, MT942)
  €15 per month
Receiving account statement or reports (MT940, MT941, MT942) from other bank (applied per account (IBAN basis))
New fee

Collection of payments

Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
Collection of payments
Luminor E-Commerce Gateway
1.5% of transaction amount, min. €0.15
Transaction processing
As agreed (1)
Transaction processing
1) Transaction processing if the agreement is signed before 2021.09.01 fee price is:
 -  1.50% of Transaction amount, min. €0.15;
 -  (for corporate and non-EEA cards) 3% of Transaction amount, min. €0.30.
Change fee name and price and reference added
Collection of payments
Luminor E-Commerce Gateway
3% of transaction amount, min. €0.30
Transaction processing (corporate and non-EEA cards)
Collection of payments
Payment card acceptance at the points of sale
Monthly report on conducted transactions by e-mail Electronic transaction report Change fee name


Product name in price list Fee price and/or name currently Fee price and/or name starting from 01.09.2021 Type of changes
Investment services
Investing in securities
0.3% of the amount, min. €5.70
Purchasing and selling equities at stock exchanges of the Baltic states (2)
(2) The fee is charged for executed or partially executed transaction only. It is debited in transaction trade currency or its equivalent in another currency pursuant to the currency exchange rate imposed by the Bank as of the settlement date. Some stock exchanges may charge additional duties or levies.
0.4% of the amount, min. €5.70
Purchasing and selling equities at stock exchanges of the Baltic states (2)
(2) The fee is charged for executed or partially executed transaction only. It is debited in transaction trade currency or its equivalent in another currency pursuant to the currency exchange rate imposed by the Bank as of the settlement date. Some stock exchanges may charge additional duties or levies.
Change fee price
Investment services
Other securities related services
  35 USD or €30
W-8BEN form processing and certification for US market access in Luminor Investor platform
New fee
Investment services
Other securities related services
  8% per annum (1)
Interest for negative cash account balance in Luminor Investor platform
(1) Interest on the negative Luminor Investor cash account balance is calculated at the rate of the current interbank ask rate, plus fixed additional interest rate of 8%. Interest is deducted at the beginning of the month for the days of the previous month when account had a negative cash balance. 
New fee and reference added
Investment services
Other securities related services
  Prices available in the platform
Subscription for real time data in Luminor Investor
New fee