Changes will be introduced in the Luminor’s Payment Card Rules starting from 1 September 2021. We have included Rules of Digital Wallet Use and clarified some other rules sections. The changes apply to all users of payment cards – both private persons and companies.

Main changes:

  • The rules have been supplemented with the procedure for using the Digital Wallet:

- attaching a payment card to the Digital Wallet (Paragraphs 1.20, 1.21, 5.2),
- using a payment card within the Digital Wallet (Paragraphs 12.10, 12.11), including
- confirmation of a transaction with the Digital Wallet (Paragraphs 5.9.4, 5.9.5),
- the payment card user’s responsibility for securing the Digital Wallet against third party use (Paragraphs 5.4, 5.6),
- the obligation of the payment card user to inform the bank of the loss, theft or other misappropriation of the device containing the Digital Wallet or to which the payment card is linked, as well as other cases involving a security risk to the Digital Wallet (Paragraph 12.1);

  • The procedure for sending short messages (SMS) regarding transactions with a payment card has been clarified, reflecting that such messages are not sent regarding individual transactions (Paragraph 7.13);
  • The procedure for charging a monthly fee for the provision of a payment card has been clarified by stipulating that the fee for the use of the card is also charged if the card produced is not activated by the user (Paragraph 7.14);
  • 4. Provisions that have become obsolete have been deleted (Paragraph 2.8 and Annex 1);
  • Other clarifications have been made (Paragraphs 5.10, 5.13, 5.19, 5.20, 7.11.1, 7.11.2, 9.2.2, 13.3, 14.3.1).

You can read the new version of Payment Card Rules here.

In case of questions contact us by calling +371 67 17 1880 1880 (on business days from 8.00 until 20.00), or by writing a message in the Internet bank, or an e-mail to