Please be informed that, it is planned to reorganize Luminor Līzings SIA (unified registration No. 40003348054) and Luminor Līzings Latvija SIA (unified registration No. 40003659898), adding Luminor Līzings SIA to Luminor Līzings Līzings SIA, in order to simplify the structure of the Luminor group and streamline administrative expenses.

As a result of the merger, all assets, liabilities, and obligations of Luminor Līzings Latvija SIA will be transferred to Luminor Līzings SIA.

The merger is expected to be completed in April 2023. The exact date of the merger depends on the fulfilment of the preconditions set out in the Commercial Law./p>

As soon as the reorganisation takes effect, Luminor Līzings Latvija SIA will cease to exist without liquidation proceedings and will be removed from the commercial register.