As of 4 October 2023, Luminor moved to a new internet bank website address, which includes our brand name – Luminor. The current access link for the internet bank and mobile bank changed to

How will my access to the internet bank change?

This change means that from 4 October you can reach us via the new address Please note that you will still be able to use our previous address – until the end of March 2024 you will be automatically redirected from the previous address to the new address.

Using the internet bank safely

The safest way to access the internet bank is via the Luminor website

To ensure your continued use of the Luminor internet bank, until the end of March 2024, please do the following:

  • Update the internet bank address on your device.
  • If you have saved the address of the Luminor internet bank website in your browser favourites or bookmarks, update it to the new address until the end of March 2024. This will allow you to continue accessing your internet bank without any problems.

To keep using Luminor mobile internet bank, make sure you have the automatic update for the Luminor internet bank app installed on your mobile device.

No need to uninstall the outdated version of the Luminor mobile app

There is no need to delete the outdated version of the app before updating. If you have installed an update on your mobile device, the app will automatically receive the latest version and you will be able to continue using it.

The app will notify you when a new version is available in the app store and ask you to update. By clicking the button “Update”, you will be redirected to the app store and can download the latest version of the app.

Manual update

Search for the latest version of the Luminor Latvija mobile app in your device's app store (Huawei, Google, or Apple). When it is available, download and install it. Updating the app regularly is important for a smooth and enhanced experience.

Automatic updates

Depending on your device settings, automatic updates may be enabled for your apps. In this case, the Luminor Latvija mobile app will automatically update to the latest version.