Luminor operates as usual providing all products and services for customers without any changes. The operation of ATMs, incoming and outgoing payments and work of our branches are performed as always.

In case of questions or uncertainties please contact us by writing to or calling +371 67 17 1880 or +371 67 096 096. We also encourage you to use our online chat at our homepage or contact us via Luminor social media channels – Twitter and Facebook.

More information on the network of our ATMs and branches, as well as contact information.

Due to the decisions made by the European Central Bank and the Financial and Capital Market Commission not to abolish the imposed restrictions on ABLV Bank and initiate the payment of guaranteed reimbursements to the customers, the Association of Commercial Banks of Latvia emphasizes that the current situation will not affect the service for local residents and companies.

We continue to serve customers as usually, performing the cash and electronic payments without any changes by respecting the compliance and low risk policies (following low risk compliance principles) that we implement in our daily work and providing financial services in accordance with the national and EU law regulations.

The owners of Luminor business in the Baltic countries are two leading Nordic banks – Nordea and DNB. Luminor is the third-largest financial services provider in the Baltic region, with a market share of 16 % in deposits and 23 % in lending. Luminor has a wide customer base of around 1.3 million customers.