To solve seemingly unresolvable

Senior Private Banker Kaspars Šteinbergs

Step by step

Although I studied social sciences, I liked digits and numbers, so I looked for a job exactly in the banking sector. It seemed a good place with growth opportunities. In 2008, I started working as a cashier at Danske bank. It has to be admitted that climbing the career ladder was not easy at the time, during the financial crisis; however, as soon as I got the first opportunity, I started working with loans and investments. In 2012, I accepted the challenge and started working at DnB Nord bank as a personal finance manager exactly with investments. 

One thing is being just a good employee, and a completely different thing – to work with an attitude that I can do, not can't. So, I have accepted every challenge in my life without fear, treating it as something that can be done or solved. 

Man of my word

At the time, when moral values tend to be put forgotten, for me the given promises are very important. If I have promised something, I fulfil it; if we have agreed on a specific deadline, I always observe it. Self-discipline is very important to me. Already in my childhood I was very responsible towards studies, tasks given to me, and nobody urged me or looked after me. I am demanding towards myself, and I expect the same also from other people. If you are motivated to work in order to achieve the goal, no special effort is required – it just happens as if by itself. 

To solve seemingly unresolvable

I often hear a question – how to succeed in the career? The answer is simple and applies not only to work – it is important to say “yes” to any offer, new opportunity, challenge. Even when it makes you step out of your comfort zone. 

And also – in such a highly changing modern world, one should not only accept changes, but also adapt to them. Of course, sometimes it is emotionally hard to accept that the team, routine work rhythm and events change, but in such moments it is important to find the positive drive that motivates. For me it is satisfaction with accomplishments, the awareness that everything works out well.

Finding time for sports

It is not a secret that working at a bank is full of tension and sometimes it is difficult to switch off the mind from the events that have occurred during the day. To achieve this successfully, I like to do sports, mainly riding a bike. I also participate in Mountain Bike competitions time to time. My entire family enjoys active recreation, we go hiking, on bicycle trips and participate in family competitions. It is a great way of charging oneself and be together.

But, to train my brain, I actively follow news of the finance sector. And I also like theatre. Recently, me and my wife have particularly become attached to the New Riga Theatre. 

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