Visa Infinite Concierge service

Enjoy the advantages provided by the Visa Concierge service

Visa Concierge provides privileges also when usual travelling is limited. The service is available to all users of the Luminor Visa Infinite card.

Regardless of whether you need technical assistance on the road, or you want to plan a special evening in a restaurant, or maybe you want to shop in your favourite shop outside Latvia, Visa Concierge specialists will take care of making your wishes come true giving you what you need so much – time to enjoy life.

Visa Concierge service options in your home country

Support in your daily routine

  • We will help you to find the most appropriate service provider for different household services, for example, repair, plumbing or cleaning works;
  • Technical assistance for your car from the most reliable car experts;
  • If you need to visit a doctor, we will help you to make this happen;
  • We will organise a pet sitting service for your pet, while you are away;
  • Tips and solutions for daily situations and emergencies.

We will help you to create festivities and special events

  • Ticket booking for entertainment events, opera, theatre performances and film screenings;
  • Restaurant reservations according to your wishes and life situation;
  • Organisation and sending of flowers, gifts;
  • Organisation of events and festivities bringing to life each customer’s idea;
  • Remote sending of greetings, gifts to family members, friends or business partners abroad.

Purchases from around the world in your home 

  • If you like to shop outside Latvia, we offer you to organise a purchase from your favourite shop and deliver it to you.

Help while travelling

  • Possibility to ask for help, when flights are cancelled or known travelling restrictions enter into force.

Contact the Visa Everyday Concierge representative by calling +371 203 61875. Support is provided in English and available 24/7.

In order to use the Visa Concierge service, for the first time you will need to provide your Visa Infinite card data, phone number and e-mail.

The Visa Concierge service provides solutions for your wishes and individual situation, as well as preparation of an offer for the required service. Communication with Visa Concierge is a free service. Only customer’s approved 3rd party costs are paid, for example, the purchase made, transport services, service provider’s fee for the service, etc. The Visa Everyday Concierge agent issues invoices only upon agreement with the customer on receiving the service and covering of specified costs.

Order Luminor Visa Infinite

Contact your Private Banker
Skanstes str. 12, 4th floor, Riga
+371 670 05006