Payment cards (provision of card, other services)

Item in Price List Current fee Fee as of 01.04.2023. Change type
Visa Business Debit, Visa Business Credit
Card delivery by mail
- Within Latvia
Free €2 Fee adjustment
Visa Business Debit, Visa Business Credit
Safety+ service monthly fee
€0.79 €0.99 Fee adjustment

Accounts and packages (set of services, account maintenance)

Item in Price List Current fee Fee as of 01.04.2023. Change type
Business package 10
Monthly fee
€9 €10 Fee adjustment
Business package 25
Monthly fee
€18 €20 Fee adjustment
Business package 50
Monthly fee
€21 €24 Fee adjustment
Business package 150
Monthly fee
€40 €45 Fee adjustment
Inactive Account administration fee per month
If the Customer fails to fulfil the request of the Bank to transfer the funds from Customer’s Account and/or close the Account within the deadline specified by the Bank.
€40 €50 Fee adjustment

Other services (references and account statements)

Item in Price List Current fee Fee as of 01.04.2023. Change type
Drafting of a reference upon the Customer’s request (1):
- Standard reference about account (2)
(1) If upon the Customer's request the Bank issues a reference that contains information comprised of several items, the fee for the preparation of the relevant reference shall be subject to the aggregation of the rates set for the references and account statements with the relevant content.
(2) Standard reference on opened/ closed account (incl. Temporary account); account balance; overdue liabilities for daily banking services.
€10 €15 Fee adjustment
Issuance of the account statement or information on the Account transactions at a Customer Service Center or dispatch by mail or by e-mail €5 per month (per account or card) €5 per month, max €60 (per account or card) Fee adjustment