Import letters of credit
Letter of credit issuance€150
Use of letter of credit:
- if secured by cash cover1% p.a., min. €50
- if secured by another collateralAs agreed, min. €100
Letter of credit amendment€85
Letter of credit cancellation€85
Checking and payment of documents0.25% of the amount, min. €90
Deferred payment administration€100
Documents discrepancy fee (paid by beneficiary of the letter of credit)€125
Return of unpaid documents €85
Assignment of goods€70
Preparation of letter of credit draft (applicable if the letter of credit is not issued)€85
SWIFT message€15
Documents handling and sending by courier Actual costs
Agreement/Agreement amendmentAs agreed

More information about Letters of credit can be found here.

Export letters of credit
Advice of letter of credit €90
Advice of letter of credit amendment€70
Handling/Checking of documents (for each set of documents)0.25% of the amount, min. €90
Pre-checking of documents (for each set of documents)€70
Deferred payment administration€100
Cancellation of letter of credit€85
Confirmation of letter of creditAs agreed, min. €100
Transfer of letter of credit (1)0.3% of the transferred amount, min. €150
Discounting of letter of credit documents As agreed, min. €150
Advice of assignment of proceeds€70
Assignment of proceeds 0.1% of the amount, min. €70
Preparation or review of letter of credit or it's amendment draft€85
SWIFT message€15
Documents handling and sending by courier Actual costs

(1) In addition to this fee other fees specified in the Price List are also applicable to the transferred letter of credit.

More information about Letters of credit can be found here.