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In order to continue, it is necessary to confirm the Insurance Distribution Statement.
Date on which the CASCO insurance policy takes effect (format YYYY-MM-DD)Tap to close
CASCO PLUS program is developed in accordance with AAS "BALTA" extended risk insurance terms and conditions. CASCO PLUS insurance covers losses incurred as a result of a traffic accident, illegal action or vandalism, natural disaster, animal damage, fire, as well as theft of a vehicle or its parts. The CASCO PLUS program also includes a wide range of additional risks, which makes the insurance policy more useful and more frequently used. A full summary of additional risks can be found in the program description.Tap to close
Vehicle holder - a person who uses a vehicle on the basis of property rights, financial lease or other legal basis, regardless of whether the vehicle is the property of the said person.Tap to close
It is necessary to indicate the age of the youngest driver, in case the vehicle will be driven daily by a person who is younger than the holder of the vehicle. Drivers with a longer driving experience have a lower insurance premium. If the information in the policy does not correspond to reality, the insurer has the right to deduct up to 20% of the indemnity amount.Tap to close
A vehicle with a special use is a taxi, training, security, courier, rental, operational or public transport, transports dangerous goods, the one participating in sports training or competitions.Tap to close
Apply for a consultation with a bank specialist if the car has a special use, for example, it will be used as a taxi or security vehicle.