Remember that the bank never calls or e-mails customers to ask them to disclose their internet bank passwords, account number, payment card details, and never asks them to log in to the internet bank or confirm payments by sending links.

Nor does the bank ever refuse to speak in Latvian, the official language, while the fraudsters hardly ever speak Latvian.

Often the numbers from which the fraudsters call are fake bank phone numbers, and the customer is scared into believing that there are problems due to previous transactions. Fraudsters also claim that a third party has obtained the customer's personal data, e.g., someone is trying to arrange a loan on the customer's behalf.

Luminor would like to remind you to be cautious, pay attention to details and not to disclose your personal data to anyone. If you are a victim of fraud, please inform the bank as soon as possible so that we can help you.

If you have any suspicions or doubts about a call you have received, you can check whether it is genuine by contacting us at +371 67 17 1880. In this case, the bank can make sure whether any suspicious transactions have actually taken place on your account.