The DNB parent bank – the largest financial institution in Norway – will establish a new operations unit in Latvia with the aim of providing a high level of service to the bank’s clients in Norway.

The establishment of the centre is the result of a project launched by the parent bank at the beginning of this year. In evaluating of location for the project, the bank looked at various factors such as practical banking operations, the relevant country’s macroeconomic situation, political stability, language skills, security aspects and accessibility. Following the review, Latvia was selected as the location for the new service centre.

Ellen Annette Nordli, head of the new Service Centre, explains: “I have been working for the project from the beginning, and I am pleased that the Latvian bank was judged to be the best alternative. The establishment of an operations unit in Latvia which will provide services to clients in Norway will strengthen our image as a powerful Norwegian company, and it will also represent an investment in Latvia’s economy,” she says.

“The Service Centre will create new jobs, attract new investments and 52 employees will be needed for the new operations unit. A recruitment process will be initiated in the Latvian labour market,” says Ellen Annette Nordli.

Local and foreign specialists took part in the evaluation. The Latvian Investment and Development Agency (LIAA) provided some of the specialists.

“Foreign companies, particularly from Scandinavia, have focused more and more on Latvia as a place to establish service centres,” says LIAA director Andris Ozols. “This is the second time that cooperation between the state and the private sector has resulted in such an establishment. With the support of the LIAA, Statoil Fuel & Retail from Norway officially opened a service centre in Latvia some months ago.  I am particularly delighted by the highly qualified job opportunities this offers. People in Latvia provide professional services within finance, IT, personnel management, etc. I am sure that we will also justify DNB’s decision to choose Latvia.”

The new unit will operate at the DNB banka headquarters at Skanstes Street 12 in Riga.DNB will have 850 employees in Latvia, including the new unit.