End of the year is always the best time to look back to one’s last-year achievements and arrange things to meet the New Year with fresh plans and new challenges. Traditionally, this is also the most popular time for depositors. We offer both to private individuals and legal entities to choose from a wide range of DNB deposits to make you feel secure and generate stable profits.

Please, note the preferential interest rates offered on both retail and corporate deposits in LVL, EUR, and NOK, if placed through our Internet-bank for one year:

1-year LVL rate 1.10 %
1-year EUR rate 1.00 %
1-year NOK rate 2.35 %




If you intend to regularly replenish the savings amount over the contractual period, an appropriate solution will be our Practical Deposit, which also may serve as a reserve in case of need. It represents a unique for Latvia type of investment with an opportunity to replenish the saving by up to 30% of the original amount and/or withdraw up to 30% of the original amount without any prior notice to the bank or losing the interest. For detailed information about the terms and conditions of our Practical Deposit, please, see here.

Good news to our existing depositors: if for any reason you could not extend the deposit through our Internet-bank, there is no more a need to pay a visit to the branch especially for this purpose, as it may be settled over telephone +371 67 17 1880.

Besides, there is an opportunity to apply for automated extension of deposits; upon maturity the Bank will extend the previously placed deposit subject to the effective interest rate offered on placements in Internet-bank, i.e. better than that offered in branches.

In order to compare the deposit terms and conditions, please, use our interactive calculator.

You can execute the deposit at any branch of the bank DNB; however, the best and most convenient way is to use DNB Internet-bank.

For more detailed information about other saving options offered by the bank DNB, please, click here.