Dream job since high school

Dina Matvejeva, Head of Private Banking

The choice of the future profession was easy for me – I loved maths and numbers, participated in various contests, everything related to the exact sciences fascinated me. I was sure that financial industry is highly connected with numbers (later turned out that it does not work that way – you must pass a long way to get to them after all). That was the reason I had decided that someday I would work in a bank.
As my career progressed, I saw my future in a big bank. Choice of Nordea as a potential workplace was deliberate - my former fellow course mate had already been working there, and I heard very positive feedback from him. At Nordea, I’ve started my professional career as personal financial adviser. Having worked for more than three years in this position, I applied for participation for the position of a Private Banker. However, I was not accepted for the position for the first time. Only the second time I was fortunate enough - I became a Private Banker, but on the terms of a temporary contract. Anyway, it did not bother me at all as I was enjoying my daily work enormously.  Finally, I could combine communication with Customers – I like direct communication very much – with analytical work: monitoring of financial markets, analysing events and data. It was my dream job, synergy of my professional ambitions, talents and needs, and soon, my agreement was extended for unlimited time.

Higher, even higher

I was very satisfied with my job, but also had realized that to be at the higher level professionally I need to extend my knowledge. At that time one of my colleagues was a CFA charter holder, which in certain way is considered as “gold standard” in financial industry. I decided that I would like to try too, although it was not easy. Three levels must be mastered; the exam takes place once a year around the world. It is also not the easiest thing – on average, ~40-45% of examinees pass it, and if not, the next attempt is in a year. So, you must study six books in different fields by self-learning. I read somewhere that in professional growth, not only knowledge and personal qualities of a person are essential, but success factor is crucial as well. Maybe all the above mentioned worked as I passed all three exams.

In parallel, I became Senior Private Banker, and over time, I was trusted to lead Private Bankers team. And, this year, I have become the Head of Private Banking.
If I had to answer how difficult it is to “climb the career ladder”, I would not have an answer. I have never had an aim to get some position, I just did my job from the heart. For me, it was always important to do it professionally, the best way possible. I was just interested in my job and doing it well. That is why, for example, when I was offered a promotion to become a Senior Private Banker, I was taken by surprise.

Additionally, essential part of the success story is my team – I have professional, very knowledgeable and supportive colleagues with a good sense of humour.

Speaking of difficulties, the most emotionally difficult time was before the merger of banks. I did not know at the time whether Luminor would keep the traditions introduced by Nordea - democratic culture of communication and values focusing on people, both clients and employees. Fortunately, the time has proved – it does, and our work environment is inspiring.

Run, read, and travel mentally and in reality

I clear my mind by different sport activities. I have discovered that running is an exciting thing. Another passion is travelling. Besides I willingly plan the route myself. Planning is half of the travel experience and joy. Reading and exploring information about your travel destination already gives joy of travel experience. Together with a group of friends, we have travelled to China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, America, and other countries.

However, the favourite type of recreation in everyday life remains reading. I willingly read modern literature of various genres and in different fields, also love classic works; this year for our family has begun with formation of own world classics library.

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